Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests Minutes: 1. Councillors Samantha Deakin and Helen-Ann Smith declared Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in respect of agenda items 6 (Scrutiny Review: Selective Licensing Scheme) and 7 (Selective Licensing of Private Rented Homes). Their interests arose from the fact that they were currently renting accommodation within the Selective Licensing Scheme’s designated areas.
2. Councillor Jason Zadrozny declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in respect of agenda items 6 (Scrutiny Review: Selective Licensing Scheme) and 7 (Selective Licensing of Private Rented Homes). His interest arose from the fact that he was currently a landlord of properties contained within the Selective Licensing Scheme’s designated areas.
3. Councillor David Martin declared a Non- Registrable Interest in respect of agenda items 6 (Scrutiny Review: Selective Licensing Scheme) and 7 (Selective Licensing of Private Rented Homes). His interest arose from the fact that he was currently a landlord of properties within the Ashfield District. |
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 22 February 2022 be received and approved as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 22 February 2022 be received and approved as a correct record. |
Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor David Martin – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Revenues and Benefits Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that a) the current forecast outturn for the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Programme for 2021/22, be received and noted;
b) the budget adjustments outlined in section 3.1, Table 3 of the report, be approved.
Minutes: Cabinet was requested to note the current forecast outturn for the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Programme for 2021/22 and to approve some budget adjustments as presented.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the budget adjustments as requested.
RESOLVED that a) the current forecast outturn for the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Programme for 2021/22, be received and noted;
b) the budget adjustments outlined in section 3.1, Table 3 of the report, be approved.
Reason: In accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations to report to those charged with Governance the financial position. |
Approval to consult on the Draft Hucknall Town Centre Spatial Masterplan PDF 252 KB Non-Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor Matthew Relf – Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Planning Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that a) public consultation be undertaken on the Draft Hucknall Town Centre Spatial Masterplan, as presented, for a period of 4 weeks during April and May 2022;
b) delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Place and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration, to make any minor amendments to the Masterplan as necessary prior to consultation.
Minutes: Approval was sought from Cabinet to undertake a public and stakeholder consultation on the Draft Hucknall Town Centre Spatial Masterplan, outlined at Appendix 1, for 4 weeks during April and May 2022.
Members were asked to note that some changes/deletions to the venues available for public consultation events as outlined in the document, were required and officers would therefore ensure that any amendments to venues or event dates were fully publicised and promoted.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to submit the Masterplan for public consultation. This was not recommended as participation with the public and stakeholders enabled valuable feedback and would hold more weight as a material planning consideration and in the detailed formulation of subsequent projects where funding will need to be secured.
RESOLVED that a) public consultation be undertaken on the Draft Hucknall Town Centre Spatial Masterplan, as presented, for a period of 4 weeks during April and May 2022;
b) delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Place and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration, to make any minor amendments to the Masterplan as necessary prior to consultation. b) Reason: To enable the Council to carry out public and stakeholder consultation which will allow the spatial masterplan to have the greatest weight in the planning system once formally adopted. |
Appointment of Chairman for remainder of Meeting Minutes: At this point in the proceedings and due to the fact that the Chairman had declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in the following two items of business, a nomination was moved and seconded for an alternative Cabinet Member to preside over the remaining business of the meeting.
RESOLVED that Councillor Rachel Madden be appointed as Chairman for the remainder of the Cabinet meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11.30am and reconvened at 11.35am. |
Scrutiny Review: Selective Licensing Scheme PDF 364 KB Scrutiny Panel A Chairman Councillor Dave Shaw Decision: RESOLVED that a) Cabinet supports the renewal of the Selective Licensing Scheme in designated parts of Stanton Hill and Sutton Central (New Cross) for a further 5 years;
b) approval be given to explore the feasibility of expanding the Selective Licensing Scheme to other areas in Ashfield that meet the conditions for selective licensing designation;
c) it be ensured that, if approved, the Selective Licensing Scheme continues to be self-funded through the license fee structure;
d) it also be ensured that the Council continues to provide available support to private sector tenants outside of the designated Selective Licensing Scheme areas.
Minutes: The Chairman of Scrutiny Panel A, Councillor Dave Shaw, presented the report and a set of recommendations for Cabinet Members to consider regarding outcomes from the scrutiny review of the Council’s Selective Licensing Scheme.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to agree the recommendations as submitted by Scrutiny Panel A.
RESOLVED that a) Cabinet supports the renewal of the Selective Licensing Scheme in designated parts of Stanton Hill and Sutton Central (New Cross) for a further 5 years;
b) approval be given to explore the feasibility of expanding the Selective Licensing Scheme to other areas in Ashfield that meet the conditions for selective licensing designation;
c) it be ensured that, if approved, the Selective Licensing Scheme continues to be self-funded through the license fee structure;
d) it also be ensured that the Council continues to provide available support to private sector tenants outside of the designated Selective Licensing Scheme areas.
Reason: Scrutiny Panel A had been reviewing the Selective Licensing Scheme in conjunction with the Council’s wider review of the Scheme at the conclusion of the agreed 5-year pilot period.
(Prior to consideration of the report and having previously declared Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in respect of this item, Councillors Samantha Deakin, Helen-Ann Smith and Jason Zadrozny left the meeting and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon. However, Councillor David Martin, having declared a Non-Registrable Interest in this item, remained in the room and took part in the proceedings.) |
Selective Licensing of Private Rented Homes PDF 265 KB Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor John Wilmott – Portfolio Holder for Licensing, Environmental Health and Regulatory Services
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that a) the findings from the 10-week consultation period with stakeholders regarding the proposal to renew selective licensing for private rented homes in designated parts of Stanton Hill and Sutton Central (New Cross), be received and noted;
b) the in-principle decision made at Cabinet on 7 December 2021, to approve renewing selective licensing for private rented properties in designated parts of Stanton Hill and Sutton Central (New Cross), be confirmed;
c) the proposed changes to the geographical boundaries of each scheme, in accordance with details contained at Appendix C, D and E of the report, be approved;
d) the proposed fee structure to charge a licence fee of £350 per property for a 5 year period (the same fee level as in 2017) to cover the cost of administering the scheme with the fee being discounted by £100 per property if the landlord is a member of a landlord accredited body at the time of application, be approved;
e) approval be given for a re-orientation of the scheme in order to dedicate additional officer time to positive, pro-active engagement with landlords, better supporting them in the day-to-day management of their homes and their tenants.
Minutes: Cabinet was advised of the findings from the 10-week consultation period with stakeholders regarding the proposal to renew selective licensing for private rented homes in designated parts of Stanton Hill and Sutton Central (New Cross). In addition, approval was sought to confirm the in-principle decision made by Cabinet on 7 December 2021 to renew selective licensing for private rented homes in the designated areas.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to renew the selective licensing scheme, but this was not recommended because the Evaluation Report had highlighted the improvements and benefits of selective licensing and the further gains that could be achieved.
RESOLVED that a) the findings from the 10-week consultation period with stakeholders regarding the proposal to renew selective licensing for private rented homes in designated parts of Stanton Hill and Sutton Central (New Cross), be received and noted;
b) the in-principle decision made at Cabinet on 7 December 2021, to approve renewing selective licensing for private rented properties in designated parts of Stanton Hill and Sutton Central (New Cross), be confirmed;
c) the proposed changes to the geographical boundaries of each scheme, in accordance with details contained at Appendix C, D and E of the report, be approved;
d) the proposed fee structure to charge a licence fee of £350 per property for a 5 year period (the same fee level as in 2017) to cover the cost of administering the scheme with the fee being discounted by £100 per property if the landlord is a member of a landlord accredited body at the time of application, be approved;
e) approval be given for a re-orientation of the scheme in order to dedicate additional officer time to positive, pro-active engagement with landlords, better supporting them in the day-to-day management of their homes and their tenants.
Reasons: 1. At the Cabinet Meeting on 7 December 2021 Members agreed in principle to renew the existing selective licensing schemes for private rented homes subject to a 10-week period of public consultation.
2. The report considered the responses received from stakeholders and recommended that the in-principle decision be confirmed to ensure the improvements achieved during the first 5 years of the schemes were maintained and built upon.
(Having previously declared Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in respect of this item, Councillors Samantha Deakin, Helen-Ann Smith and Jason Zadrozny left the meeting and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon. However, Councillor David Martin, having declared a Non-Registrable Interest in this item, remained in the room and took part in the proceedings.) |