Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No



a)    the findings from the 10-week consultation period with stakeholders regarding the proposal to renew selective licensing for private rented homes in designated parts of Stanton Hill and Sutton Central (New Cross), be received and noted;


b)    the in-principle decision made at Cabinet on 7 December 2021, to approve renewing selective licensing for private rented properties in designated parts of Stanton Hill and Sutton Central (New Cross), be confirmed;


c)    the proposed changes to the geographical boundaries of each scheme, in accordance with details contained at Appendix C, D and E of the report, be approved;


d)    the proposed fee structure  to charge a licence fee of £350 per property for a 5 year period (the same fee level as in 2017) to cover the cost of administering the scheme with the fee being discounted by £100 per property if the landlord is a member of a landlord accredited body at the time of application, be approved;


e)    approval be given for a re-orientation of the scheme in order to dedicate additional officer time to positive, pro-active engagement with landlords, better supporting them in the day-to-day management of their homes and their tenants.


Report author: Phil Warrington

Publication date: 04/04/2022

Date of decision: 29/03/2022

Decided at meeting: 29/03/2022 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: