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Barsby, Councillor Kier Barsby
Bell, Councillor Jamie Bell
Bostock, Councillor Will Bostock
Briggs, Councillor Ian Briggs
Cronshaw, Councillor Jodine Cronshaw
Deakin, Councillor Samantha Deakin
Ellis, Councillor Anna Ellis
Gascoyne, Councillor Andy Gascoyne
Grafton, Councillor Paul Grafton
Gregory, Councillor Julie Gregory
Grounds, Councillor Dale Grounds
Hankin, Councillor Arnie Hankin
Hay, Councillor Oliver Hay
Heslop, Councillor Vicki Heslop
Hollis, Councillor Tom Hollis
Huskinson, Councillor Christopher Huskinson
Justice, Councillor Dawn Justice
Lewsey, Councillor Sarah Lewsey
Locke, Councillor Trevor Locke
Madden, Councillor Rachel Madden
Madigan, Councillor Sarah Madigan
Mann, Councillor Gordon Mann
Mason, Councillor Cathy Mason
Meakin, Councillor Andy Meakin
Nuttall, Councillor Warren Nuttall
Parvin, Councillor Nicholas Parvin
Relf, Councillor Matthew Relf
Rostance, Councillor Phil Rostance
Shaw, Councillor Dave Shaw
Smallridge, Councillor John Smallridge
Smith, Councillor Helen-Ann Smith
Walters, Councillor David Walters
Waters, Councillor Lee Waters
Wilmott, Councillor John Wilmott
Zadrozny, Councillor Jason Zadrozny
Registered gifts and hospitalities
20/06/2024 - Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner offered by ITS Technology Group; An invitation to the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner ; Value £65