Election results for Hucknall West

Hucknall West - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Kevin Thomas Rostance Local Conservatives 1043 16% Elected
Phil Rostance Local Conservatives 1031 15% Elected
Chris Baron Local Conservatives 831 12% Elected
Rachael Clarke Ashfield Independents 691 10% Not elected
Nicole Charlotte Paylor Ashfield Independents 653 10% Not elected
Patrick Stephen Ayres Labour Party 642 10% Not elected
Gordon Kenneth Mann Ashfield Independents 610 9% Not elected
Louise Margaret Cooke Labour Party 603 9% Not elected
Ian Morrison Labour Party 600 9% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 6704
Electorate 7409
Number of ballot papers issued 2390
Number of ballot papers rejected 28
Turnout 32%
Share of the votes (%)
Kevin Thomas Rostance 16% Elected
Phil Rostance 15% Elected
Chris Baron 12% Elected
Rachael Clarke 10% Not elected
Nicole Charlotte Paylor 10% Not elected
Patrick Stephen Ayres 10% Not elected
Gordon Kenneth Mann 9% Not elected
Louise Margaret Cooke 9% Not elected
Ian Morrison 9% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty24
For voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to vote for4
Total rejected28