Election results for Hucknall South

Hucknall South - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Lauren Amber Mitchell Labour Party 642 20% Elected
Keir Alexander Morrison Labour Party 606 19% Elected
Jan Lees Local Conservatives 526 16% Not elected
Brian Anthony Willows Local Conservatives 496 15% Not elected
Ben John Tomlinson Ashfield Independents 470 15% Not elected
Jean Rose Toseland Ashfield Independents 461 14% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 3201
Electorate 5596
Number of ballot papers issued 1700
Number of ballot papers rejected 18
Turnout 30%
Share of the votes (%)
Lauren Amber Mitchell 20% Elected
Keir Alexander Morrison 19% Elected
Jan Lees 16% Not elected
Brian Anthony Willows 15% Not elected
Ben John Tomlinson 15% Not elected
Jean Rose Toseland 14% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty18
Total rejected18