a) the detailed update, as outlined within the report, be received and noted;
b) in respect of land, described as on the North Side of Fackley Road, Teversal being 1.97 acres, (shown as “D” on Appendix 2), approval be given to:
· authorise the Director of Legal and Governance and the Service Manager, Commercial Development in consultation with the Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits to negotiate and agree terms with the Coal Authority regarding the removal of restrictions; and
· dispose in principle to Teversal Sports and Recreation Trust in the event all outstanding issues are resolved and CISWO and Charity Commission approvals are obtained for the transfer of the Trust held land to the Teversal Sports and Recreation Trust authorising the Director of Legal and Governance and the Service Manager, Commercial Development in consultation with the Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits to negotiate and agree terms and finalise the disposal;
c) delegated authority be granted to the Director of Legal and Governance and the Service Manager, Commercial Development to secure public access rights to the Council’s retained land as part of any potential future land transfer to the Teversal Sports and Recreation Trust;
d) a recommendation be made to Council that, in principle, in the event that the Teversal Sports and Recreation Trust were to take over the Teversal Grange site, the outstanding debt owed to the Council by the Trust of approximately £174k is written off to allow the new Trust to take over debt free;
e) an agreement be made to gift the portacabin to the Cricket Club in the event that the Teversal Sports and Recreation Trust were to take over the Teversal Grange site.