Issue - decisions

28/01/2022 - Introduction of Service Charges for Sheltered Schemes and General Needs Flats (Council Owned Housing Stock)


a)    the content of this report and the consultation undertaken with tenants, be received and noted;


b)    variation of the Tenancy Agreement, be approved;


c)    approval be given for the introduction of a service of £3.00 per week to be collected over 48 weeks in line with the rent collection, for communal housing court schemes as specified at Appendix 1;


d)    it be noted that the charge will be reviewed annually in line with operating costs and inflation;


e)    delegated authority be granted to the Director of Housing and Assets, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Council and Social Housing, to consider if any further schemes/flats can be included within this designation, to ensure all communal areas in Council owned properties are maintained to the same, high quality standard.