Agenda item

Non-Key Decision


Deputy Leader of the Council (Outward Focus)


a)    that the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted.


b)    that the Deputy Leader (Outward Focus) attends a future meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to explain Cabinet’s response to the committee’s recommendations and to provide a progress report on the investments being made to Play areas


c)    that it be noted that Cabinet had looked at the Section 106 agreement for Brand Land, but that it be noted that the agreement could not be amended without the consent of the developer.




To consider the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following the call-in regarding the Play Strategy for Rural Areas / Green Space Project and the topic being referred back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further consideration.




The option of approving the recommendation made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee “that the proposed schedule of work for investing in play areas, as detailed in the emerging Play Strategy be informed by specific needs for investment, and that these needs be recorded, rather than investment being determined solely on a schedule and list of areas” was rejected in order to ensure that play areas in rural areas received the same levels of extra funding as play areas in other areas of the district.





The Service Manager - Scrutiny and Democratic Services submitted a report to provide a summary of the considerations and recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the meeting of 7 November following the call-in meeting that had been held on the topic on 17 October.


At the meeting held on 7 November members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had discussed:


·         the further information that had been provided with regards to the status of the Car Parking Strategy 2016 – 21, the Public Open Space Strategy 2016 – 26 and the Ashfield District Council Play Strategy.  The Committee were also advised at that the improvements made under the emerging play strategy would be carried out on a schedule determined by location but any required maintenance to any play area would be carried out as required as the extra funding identified in the emerging play strategy was for new play areas;

·         Section 106 contributions received for public open space and grant funding secured since 2014/15;

·         Selston Parish Council Play strategy;

·         Wharf Road improvements;

·         their concerns regarding the parking at Brand Lane and discussed how any Section 106 monies would be spent to relieve parking and traffic issues in the Brand Lane vicinity created as a consequence of housing development in the area.


The meeting had concluded by noting the further information provided by officers and by the Deputy Leader of the Council (Outward Focus) in relation to future funding, play area development and enhancement in the district but asked that future improvements to play areas be carried out on the basis of need rather than location. (Minute No. OS14, 2018/19).


Members noted the considerations and the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Leader emphasised that the planned phased investment that was outlined in the emerging play strategy was extra investment in play areas in addition to previously planned and essential works that would be carried out on play areas right across the district.




a)    that the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted.


b)    that the Deputy Leader (Outward Focus) attends a future meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to explain Cabinet’s response to the committee’s recommendations and to provide a progress report on the investments being made to play areas


c)    that it be noted that Cabinet had looked at the Section 106 agreement for Brand Land, but that it be noted that the agreement could not be amended without the consent of the developer.




To consider the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following the call-in regarding the Play Strategy for Rural Areas / Green Space Project and the topic being referred back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further consideration.




The option of approving the recommendation made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee “that the proposed schedule of work for investing in play areas, as detailed in the emerging Play Strategy be informed by specific needs for investment, and that these needs be recorded, rather than investment being determined solely on a schedule and list of areas” was rejected in order to ensure that play areas in rural areas received the same levels of extra funding as play areas in other areas of the district.

Supporting documents: