Agenda item


The Director of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) presented the report and took the opportunity to provide Members with an up to date position in respect of the Teversal Community Centre and Recreation Ground (Charity Number 522310) as follows:-


Teversal Grange Advisory Committee

The Director of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) reported that a meeting of the Advisory Committee was held at the end of June whereby it was considered that positive progress was made in relation to potential future Trust arrangements.  The minutes of the meeting were attached as an Appendix to the report for information.


Cricket Club

The Committee were advised that temporary changing facilities continue to be provided to the Cricket Club by the Council.  Some repairs to the floor had recently been carried out as an interim measure. 


Financial Position

As discussed at the Advisory Committee the Trust was currently running at a deficit of £143,261 for the year end 2017/18, with a further deficit of £4,203 for the 2018/19 financial year to date.


Future Proposals for the Trust

Following a number of discussions the three sports clubs have expressed that they would like to explore forming a new Charity to take over the Trust from the Council. 


The Director of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) explained that the Visitors’ Centre was not currently part of the Trust takeover proposals.  However, should they wish to be part of the discussions to take over the running of the Trust they would be welcomed and included as part of the business plan and development process.


Members were further advised that the Clubs have been asked to prepare a detailed proposal which would enable the Council to consider the option fully and consult with CISWO.


Gating the Site

The Director of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) reported that the noise and nuisance being created by car cruisers on the site was increasing and this issue needed to be swiftly addressed. 


The possibility of gating the site to prevent cars gaining access was still being considered as a viable option and discussions were ongoing with the Clubs to establish how this would work logistically.

Forthcoming Event

The Committee were asked to consider granting approval for the Notts AAA’s Summer League event on 1st August, 2018 at the Teversal Visitors’ Centre and Trails Network, as detailed in the report.



a)        the minutes of the meeting of the Teversal Grange Advisory Committee held on 27th June, 2018, as appended to the report, be noted;


b)        the current financial position in respect of the Teversal Community Centre and Recreation Ground (Charity Number 522310), as outlined in the report, be noted;


c)         the outline proposals from the Clubs, in respect of the long term future of the Trust, as set out in the report, be noted;


d)        delegated authority be granted to the Director of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer), to continue to explore options, including the potential for the installation of a gate to endeavour to resolve the reported anti-social behaviour incidents occurring on the site;


e)        approval be given to the proposed Nottinghamshire AAA’s Summer League athletics race taking place on 1st August, 2018, as detailed in the report.



To comply with the Scheme (Constitution) of the Teversal Community Centre and Recreation Ground, the Council’s Constitution and Charities legislation overall.


The Trust must act in the best interests of the long term future of the Trust.

Supporting documents: