Key Decision
Councillor Tom Hollis – Deputy Leader and Executive Lead Member for Strategic Housing and Climate Change
Approval in principle was sought from Members, to exchange Council owned
(General Fund - GF) land at Hardwick Lane, Sutton in Ashfield and Central Avenue, Kirkby in Ashfield with Council owned (Housing Revenue Account - HRA) land at Clegg Hill Drive, Huthwaite, for the purpose of potential future house building.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the exchange of land but this was not recommended as the sites in question could not be developed on their own for social housing purposes, using the Council’s existing methodology, without the proposed exchange.
a) the content of the report and the need for new affordable homes to meet increasing levels of demand for housing from local residents, be noted and acknowledged;
b) approval be given to an application being made to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), for consent to change the use of a small parcel of land on the edge of the Central Avenue allotment site; the land being currently designated as allotment land but has never been used for this purpose and is currently overgrown scrubland;
c) approval be given to consult with local residents to seek their views on a proposal to change the designation of Hardwick Lane Rec from recreational (open space) to land suitable for development with the consultation being in accordance with section 122(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972 and with any objections being brought back to Cabinet for consideration;
d) that officers are seeking further advice in respect of the financial regulations relating to the appropriation of land from the GF to the HRA and vice-versa, be noted;
e) the following further recommendations be approved and only apply should points b), c) and d) above be concluded satisfactorily with no outstanding issues for Members to consider;
· to approve the proposed land exchange, with Council GF land at Central Avenue, Kirkby in Ashfield and Hardwick Lane, Sutton in Ashfield, being exchanged for an equivalent sized parcel of HRA land at Clegg Hill Drive, Huthwaite;
· to grant delegated authority to the Executive Director of Operations and the Corporate Resources Director and Section 151 Officer to determine any additional financial adjustment needed to ensure the GF receives full value for the sites being exchanged;
· to approve the proposal to develop the exchanged sites at Central Avenue, Kirkby in Ashfield and Hardwick Lane, Sutton in Ashfield for affordable housing to meet local need;
· to grant delegated authority to the Executive Director of Operations, in conjunction with the Corporate Resources Director and Section 151 Officer, to negotiate and formalise final scheme costs, property mix, specification and delivery;
· to grant delegated authority to the Executive Director of Operations to procure and appoint a contractor to develop the site;
· to grant delegated authority to the Executive Director of Operations to contract, on behalf of the Council with Homes England, for the purposes of receiving subsidy to ensure that developments are viable and fall within a maximum payback period of 40 years.
1. The Council has a corporate objective to ensure there is sufficient safe and appropriate housing for local residents and building new council homes is an important part of this.
2. The Council’s land holdings have been reviewed and new Council homes built on appropriate sites.
3. Demand for affordable housing remains exceptionally high and the Council has reaffirmed its commitment to continue with the new build programme. With new sites being increasingly difficult to find and achieve financial viability, it is important that creative solutions are considered, hence the land exchange proposal.
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