Agenda item


The Scrutiny Research Officer presented the report which detailed the

proposed annual changes to the Constitution for the 2022/23 municipal year.


Key officers had submitted their suggested updates for the document which

usually came about due to changes in legislation and the introduction of new

policies. The table contained in the report highlighted the main changes for

2022/23 including any textual amendments and updates to officer titles as



Members were asked to note that the proposed changes were fairly minimal for the 2022/23 municipal year and that all references to Council and committee meetings being held virtually had been removed due to cessation of the temporary Covid legislation on 7 May 2021.


However, in relation to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Members were asked to consider the officer suggestion to:


1.    remove the ‘Scrutiny Workplan’ as a standing item on the agenda and to agree its submission on an ad hoc basis as required


2.    to request Portfolio Holders to attend Committee and report back on implementation and/or progress of review recommendations, three months after completion of a scrutiny review within their areas of responsibility.


Also, as part of the Annual Constitution Review process, Members were contacted and given the opportunity to put forward proposals for changes to be made to the Constitution and the following suggestions were received:


1.    There should be an opportunity for Members of the Council to question Portfolio Holders following the 30-minute allotted time for Portfolio Holder updates.


2.    The amount of time for debate on a petition that meets the signature threshold for discussion at Council should be lengthened.


3.    Questions submitted by Members to the Council should be moved up the agenda to be asked after questions from members of the public.


A discussion ensued and Members considered all the suggested amendments as submitted in accordance with the annual Constitution review process.



a)    that the proposed changes to the Council’s Constitution for 2022/23 as outlined in the report, be endorsed and submitted to Council for approval with the following additions:


Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules

·       to remove the ‘Scrutiny Workplan’ as a standing item on the agenda and to agree its submission on an ad hoc basis as required;


·       to request Portfolio Holders to attend Committee and report back on implementation and/or progress of review recommendations, three months after completion of a scrutiny review within their areas of responsibility;


Petition Scheme

·       a Petition Organiser be allowed 10 minutes to present their petition to Council (the current time limit is 5 minutes);


·       the amount of time for debate on a petition that meets the signature threshold for discussion at Council (1,500 signatures), be raised from 15 minutes to 30 minutes should there be in excess of 5,000 signatures;


·       during the amount of time allocated for debate on a petition (15 or 30 minutes), Members be restricted to speaking for a limit of 3 minutes only;


b)    it be noted that having considered the following suggestions, they be duly declined for inclusion in the 2022/23 Constitution update:


·       there should be an opportunity for Members of the Council to question Portfolio Holders following the 30-minute allotted time for Portfolio Holder updates.


·       questions submitted by Members to the Council should be moved up the agenda to be asked after questions from members of the public.




Supporting documents: