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No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and Non-Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest. |
Minutes: The Chair introduced herself and asked the Members of the Sub-Committee, officers and those others present to introduce themselves. The Applicant for the New Premises Licence, Mr Lee Clement, accompanied by S. Clement and L. Westerman supporting the application were in attendance. It was confirmed that the Interested Party was not in attendance, but that their representation about the proposed businesses was attached to the report at Appendix ‘C’. The Chair outlined the procedure to be adopted throughout the duration of the hearing. The Licensing Team Leader, Julian Alison, then outlined the application to the Sub-Committee. Following on from this the Chair then invited the Applicant to put forward their case to the Sub-Committee. In accordance with adopted procedure, the Sub Committee Members and Legal Officers were given the opportunity to question him. Finally, the Chair invited the Applicant to sum up the case for the application. The Chair and Sub-Committee then withdrew from the hearing in order to deliberate on the application and representations made in respect of it. The hearing was adjourned at 10.17am. The Chair and the Sub-Committee returned to the room at 10.40am. The Legal Officer presented the Sub-Committee’s findings. RESOLVED The decision of the Licensing Sub-Committee (in exercise of its powers delegated by Ashfield District Council as Licensing Authority) was to: Grant the application for a premises licence subject to the following conditions: A The mandatory conditions, the conditions below agreed with the Applicant, the conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule and the embedded restrictions on the use of the premises; and B The conditions agreed with the applicant being: The Premises Licence Holder shall ensure that all staff employed at the premises whose duties include the sale or supply of alcohol shall undertake and complete a relevant programme of training prior to them being authorised to sell or supply alcohol. Records of the training programme shall be maintained and made available to Authorised Officers upon request. Such training shall consist of providing staff with an understanding of: The need to ensure the responsible sale and supply of alcohol The need to refuse the sale and supply of alcohol to persons who are intoxicated or underage The need to seek credible age verification from persons seeking to be sold or supplied alcohol who may appear under the age of 18 years old The Premises Licence holder shall provide a “refresher” training session to all relevant staff members as and when deemed necessary on a case by case evaluation, but as a minimum requirement the refresher training session shall be provided to all staff on at least one occasion every six months. A Premises Daily Register shall be held at the premises. The Designated Premises Supervisor shall check the Premises Daily Register on a weekly basis ensuring that it is completed and up-to-date, sign the Premises Daily Register each time that it is checked, and make the Premises Daily Register available for inspection by any Authorised Officer throughout the trading hours of the premises. This Register ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |