Venue: Committee Room, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield. View directions
Contact: Lynn Cain
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19th November, 2015, as now submitted, be received and approved. |
Teversal Community Centre and Recreation Ground (Charity Number 522310) - Update PDF 179 KB Minutes: The Assistant Chief Executive (Governance) and Monitoring Officer presented the report and took the opportunity to briefly summarise the content of the recommendations that arose from the previous Charities Committee meeting held on 19th November, 2015.
Since the meeting, negotiations had continued with the Clubs and the Visitors’ Centre regarding the leases and the current position was presented as follows:-
Football Club The Football Club had confirmed that it was committed to working towards the signing of the lease but had requested a 5 year sliding scale discount with regard to rental payments to give them time to obtain the required funding. They also asked for the guarantor clause to be removed and requested that the Council undertake some repairs to their kitchen facilities prior to entering into the lease.
Bowls Club The Bowls Club were still considering entering into the lease but had raised concerns regarding their ability to pay the agreed rent levels. They has requested that they might accept a 30 year lease if it contained a rolling 12 months break clause, if the guarantor clause was removed from the lease and if the Council continued to pay for the Legionella testing and buildings insurance. Should the Council not agree to the above changes then the Club would be unable to afford to enter into the lease.
Cricket Club The Cricket Club advised that they preferred a shorter term than 30 years but they would accept a 30 year term if there is a rolling 12 months break clause. They requested that the guarantor clause be removed from the lease and that the Council took responsibility for the buildings insurance. Concerns were raised as to why the Legionella testing was needed and the cost of undertaking the process.
Visitors’ Centre The Visitors’ Centre confirmed that they were agreeable to entering into a lease but requested that the guarantor clause be removed from the lease and the lease term be shortened to a 7 year term with a rolling 12 months break clause to negate the need to register the lease with the Land Registry. They also wanted to obtain the buildings insurance themselves and questioned why the Legionella testing was needed for the centre. Additionally clarification was sought as to the removal of the car park lighting from the Visitors’ Centre supply and the extent of their liability for ongoing maintenance.
At this point in the proceedings the Chairman gave a summary of the discussions and concerns raised during the meeting of the Teversal Grange Advisory Committee held on Monday, 24th March, 2016.
· The Football Club raised concerns in relation to their ability to raise funding for development of the site in the short term, the poor state of the kitchen facilities and the future responsibility for rates charges. They also requested the names of all persons present at the Advisory Committee meeting.
· The Visitors’ Centre stated they had not received some promised guidance notes but confirmation was given that a link to the document ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Minutes: The Chairman presented the report and gave an update on the transfer of the four trust funds which had remained unused for several years due to various reasons. The funds were in the process of being transferred to charitable organisations with a similar purpose that would ensure that they continued to be of benefit to the residents of Ashfield.
RESOLVED that a) the update regarding the transferral of funds from the Wansley Hall Trust Fund, Charles Beastall Beecroft Trust Fund and William and Mary Barratt Swimming Prize Fund Charity to suitable charitable organisations with a similar purpose, be received and noted;
b) Council be recommended to approve that the funds from the William Booth Charity for the Poor continue to be held by the Authority until they can be transferred to the Community Food Bank once their application for charitable status has been finalised.
Reason: The decision made previously was to transfer the funds from the William Booth Charity for the Poor once they were awarded charitable status however the Food Bank does not yet have charitable status. The Food Bank has a similar purpose to the William Booth Charity for the Poor which is why it is recommended that the Authority continues to hold these funds until the Food Bank receive charitable status. |