Venue: Committee Room, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairman Minutes: Councillor Lachlan Morrison was appointed as Chairman for the duration of the meeting. |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 7th June, 2018 be received and approved. |
Council Tax Exemptions for Care Leavers Minutes: The Chairman introduced the item and reminded Members that at the last meeting the Panel considered the introductory report in relation to the new review topic namely, Council Tax Exemptions for Care Leavers.
He informed Members that the Council’s Service Manager for Revenues and Benefits was in attendance at the last meeting to provide the background to this issue and assist the Panel with the review process.
Members were advised that the definition of a Care Leaver was a person leaving Nottinghamshire County Council care provision at the age of 18. The exemptions proposed had been recommended to assist Care Leavers as they transitioned back into society and to give them a level of support whilst they established appropriate living arrangements and work opportunities.
In readiness for this meeting the Service Manager – Democratic and Scrutiny Services was requested to ascertain the Council’s level of involvement with other agencies offering support and advice to Care Leavers within the County and, obtain data from the County Council regarding Care Leaver numbers to assist with the evaluation of costings.
Unfortunately, the Service Manager for Revenues and Benefits was not able to attend this meeting to provide an update however, Members were asked to consider and discuss the report presented to them, and in particular the draft proposed scheme as appended.
The Service Manager – Democratic and Scrutiny Services proceeded to outline the preparatory work undertaken to date in respect of the proposed scheme and in doing so referred Members to the original proposals which were set out in the Children’s Society report in November, 2017, which would ensure that Care Leavers receive support and protections in light of the additional vulnerabilities they may face.
The report “A National Offer for Care Leavers – Preventing them from falling into financial difficulty” included a list of recommendations to shape the National Offer as follows:-
1. Make sure that Care Leavers are exposed to a less severe sanction regime to better support them into work.
2. Allow low-income working Care Leavers to claim the same in-work benefits as older adults without children to boost their income in recognition that they may have greater financial responsibilities than other young people of their age.
3. Extend the higher rate of housing benefit they may receive until the age of 25 to promote stability.
4. Exempt all Care Leavers under the age of 25 from Council Tax in recognition of the corporate parenting role of the local authority.
The Service Manager – Democratic and Scrutiny Services emphasised that recommendation 4 falls within the powers of local government. Consequently, in order to determine whether the recommendation should be adopted this Council should consider what help is already available within Ashfield.
Members were reminded that at the last meeting detailed information was still awaited from Nottinghamshire County Council. A joint meeting between the County and District Councils has now taken place and the County Council have agreed to supply monthly figures to the District Councils to allow them to apply ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |