Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 23 March 2020 be received and approved as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 23 March 2020 be received and approved as a correct record. |
Withdrawal of Agenda Items Minutes: Cabinet Members noted the withdrawal of the following agenda items to be considered at a future meeting of the Cabinet:
Agenda Items Corporate Plan and Year End Position LGA Peer Challenge 2020 Review of Street Naming and Numbering Policy Policy for Discharging the Homelessness Duty into the Private Rented Sector Affordable Housing Development - Sutton in Ashfield Corporate Risk - Year End 2019/20 Position Draft Out-turn 2019/20 Accounts Council's Insurance Arrangements 2019/20 Contract for Procurement Services Community Engagement Strategy. |
Covid-19 Response Update and Initial Recovery Plans Key Decision Leader of the Council: Councillor Jason Zadrozny
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that a) the way the Council has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic to date, in particular the fact that the Council has delivered all essential Council services in full, along with other priority services and additional COVID-19 responsibilities, be noted and welcomed;
b) the COVID-19 related Executive decisions taken to date as set out in Appendix C, be received and duly endorsed;
c) the extension of free Town Centre parking until 7 September 2020, be approved;
d) the initial approach to the recovery phase of the pandemic, be approved;
e) approval be given to the Recovery Strategy as set out in Appendix D;
f) to agree the following and recommend to Council for approval:
· the establishment of a new COVID-19 Response and Recovery Scrutiny Panel made up of 7 Members including a Chair and Vice-Chair (to be reviewed at the Annual Council Meeting in May 2021);
· the Terms of Reference for the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Scrutiny · Panel as set out in the report at Appendix E;
· the membership of the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Scrutiny Panel, in accordance with political balance
Councillor Councillor Councillor;
· the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Scrutiny Panel to receive the same Special Responsibility Allowance as the Scrutiny Panel Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen (£5,956 and £1,687 respectively), subject to having consulted with the Independent Remuneration Panel.
Minutes: Cabinet was requested to consider a summary of what the Council has done to respond to COVID-19 to date, including receiving a comprehensive update of the COVID-19 decisions taken and exploring arrangements for facilitating the recovery stage from the pandemic.
Members took the opportunity to consider various alternative options for ensuring the Council provided an effective Covid-19 response.
RESOLVED that a) the way the Council has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic to date, in particular the fact that the Council has delivered all essential Council services in full, along with other priority services and additional COVID-19 responsibilities, be noted and welcomed;
b) the COVID-19 related Executive decisions taken to date as set out in Appendix C, be received and duly endorsed;
c) the extension of free Town Centre parking until 7 September 2020, be approved;
d) the initial approach to the recovery phase of the pandemic, be approved;
e) approval be given to the Recovery Strategy as set out in Appendix D;
f) to agree the following and recommend to Council for approval:
· the establishment of a new COVID-19 Response and Recovery Scrutiny Panel made up of 7 Members including a Chair and Vice-Chair (to be reviewed at the Annual Council Meeting in May 2021);
· the Terms of Reference for the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Scrutiny Panel as set out in the report at Appendix E;
· the membership of the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Scrutiny Panel, be appointed in accordance with political balance;
· the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Scrutiny Panel to receive the same Special Responsibility Allowance as the Scrutiny Panel Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen (£5,956 and £1,687 respectively), subject to having consulted with the Independent Remuneration Panel.
Reasons: 1. It is important to recognise the efforts of the Council in respect of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the delivery of critical and additional services during this difficult time.
2. It is best practice to note and endorse governance and decision-making processes utilised during the COVID-19 crisis.
3. As the Authority enters into a new phase of the pandemic with some lockdown restrictions being removed or relaxed, the Council locally must start to consider how it will support its communities, businesses and employees in order to recover and adapt to a “new normal”.
4. Creating a focussed Scrutiny Panel in relation to the Council’s response and recovery to COVID-19 ensures dedicated and robust arrangements are in place for this unprecedented situation when the Council must ensure it performs a leading role in supporting its communities, businesses and its employees. |
Introduction of Two Hours Free Parking in Town Centre Car Parks Key Decision Portfolio Holder for Streets, Parks and Town Centres: Councillor David Martin
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that a) the proposal to introduce two hours free parking in town centre car parks from early September 2020, be agreed;
b) the Notice of Variation, as appended to the report, and to proceed to implement the variation in accordance with the legislative procedure once the new Parking Order is made (in line with the timeframe set out in the report), be approved;
c) parking will remain free in all Council car parks across the District until the new charges come into force.
Minutes: Cabinet were asked to agree the introduction of two hours free parking in town centre car parks from early September 2020.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to introduce two hours free parking for town centres but were adamant that the need to support town centre businesses was paramount and outweighed any loss of income.
RESOLVED that a) the proposal to introduce two hours free parking in town centre car parks from early September 2020, be agreed;
b) the Notice of Variation, as appended to the report, and to proceed to implement the variation in accordance with the legislative procedure once the new Parking Order is made (in line with the timeframe set out in the report), be approved;
c) parking will remain free in all Council car parks across the District until the new charges come into force.
Reason: To support high street businesses to recover from the impacts of the Covid-19 lockdown and to provide longer-term support to attract people into town centres. |
Leisure Transformation Programme Key Decision Portfolio Holder for Health and Leisure: Councillor Kier Barsby
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that a) Council be recommended to approve the total budget of £15.5m and the funding basis for the development of a new Leisure Centre in Kirkby in Ashfield;
b) the identified prudential borrowing required to support the development, be approved;
c) the progress with external funding applications for £3m, be noted;
d) it be declared that the Housing Revenue Account land at Hucknall Leisure Centre is not required for housing purposes and approve the appropriation of the land from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund at a value of £4,000. Minutes: Cabinet were updated on the Leisure Transformation Programme’s progress and authorisation was sought to proceed with the next steps:
Members considered the alternative options of declining to recommend to Council approval of the required budget and funding mechanism for the Leisure Centre development and not appropriating the area of land but neither were recommended, as this course of action would halt progress of the project.
RESOLVED that a) Council be recommended to approve the total budget of £15.5m and the funding basis for the development of a new Leisure Centre in Kirkby in Ashfield;
b) the identified prudential borrowing required to support the development, be approved;
c) the progress with external funding applications for £3m, be noted;
d) it be declared that the Housing Revenue Account land at Hucknall Leisure Centre is not required for housing purposes and approve the appropriation of the land from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund at a value of £4,000.
Reasons: 1. The development phases of the Leisure Centre have previously been approved. However in line with previous reports and effective governance procedures further approval is required for Council to agree the total budget envelope for the Leisure Centre development at £15.5m of which £12.157m is to be funded through prudential borrowing.
2. The appropriation of land at Hucknall Leisure Centre is required so that the Leisure Operating Contract that is currently being tendered for a start in April 2021 can move forwards utilising Sport England standard approaches. The land needs to be appropriated from the Housing Revenue Account as it is currently designated for potential use for housing. |
Key Decision Portfolio Holder for Place, Planning and Regeneration: Councillor Matthew Relf
Decision: RESOLVED that a) progress on the Future High Streets bid for Sutton and the Towns Fund for Kirkby and Sutton, be noted;
b) delegated authority be granted to the Director of Place and Communities, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Place, Planning and Regeneration to:
· commission consultancy work for the development of projects to be included within the Investment Plan, funded through the Towns Fund capacity funding;
· submit the full business case for the FHSF bid in July 2020 and the joint Towns Fund Investment Plan for Kirkby and Sutton during autumn 2020.
Minutes: Cabinet was updated as to progress with the Future High Streets Fund bid (FHSF) for Sutton and the Towns Funding for Kirkby and Sutton, and to seek delegated authority for the necessary submissions.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to agree the submissions but acknowledged that this would result in the potential to access significant funding being lost.
RESOLVED that a) progress on the Future High Streets bid for Sutton and the Towns Fund for Kirkby and Sutton, be noted;
b) delegated authority be granted to the Director of Place and Communities, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Place, Planning and Regeneration to:
· commission consultancy work for the development of projects to be included within the Investment Plan, funded through the Towns Fund capacity funding;
· submit the full business case for the FHSF bid in July 2020 and the joint Towns Fund Investment Plan for Kirkby and Sutton during autumn 2020.
Reason: To ensure that submissions can be made to the FHSF and Towns Fund within the required timescales. |