Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield

Contact: Julie Robinson  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and Non-Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 93 KB


The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 18 January, 2018 be received and approved as a correct record.



that the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 18 January, 2018 be received and approved as a correct record.


Peer Challenge Update Report pdf icon PDF 194 KB

Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Cheryl Butler


Cabinet endorses the progress made since June 2017 in the implementation of key recommendations arising from the Local Government Association Peer Challenge.




Members were asked to consider the report outlining progress which has been made since June 2017 against key recommendations of the Local Government Association peer challenge.


Due to the expectation from the Local Government Association and the Government that the findings would be used to support improvements there were no alternative options for Members to consider.



that Cabinet endorses the progress made since June 2017 in the implementation of key recommendations arising from the Local Government Association Peer Challenge.



In June 2017 Cabinet endorsed the findings of the Local Government Association Peer Challenge, whilst seeking approval for Overview and Scrutiny Committee to monitor the implementation of approved actions arising from the peer challenge for the municipal year 2017/18.


The Peer Challenge Review undertaken by the Local Government Association in March 2017 is designed to support Councils and is part of a sector led improvement programme.  There is an expectation from the LGA and government that the findings will be used to support improvements.  Cabinet sanctioned all actions arising from the LGA report.


Leisure Transformation Programme - Replacement Leisure Centre for Kirkby in Ashfield pdf icon PDF 510 KB

Key Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Don Davis




a)        delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Place and Communities to pursue match funding opportunities from Sport England and D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership;


b)        it be noted that a further report would be tabled later in the year setting out a fully costed business case;


c)         approval be given to the progression of the project through RIBA Stage 3 (Developed Design Stage) and the allocation of £240k within the Capital Programme for consultancy fees;


d)        delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Place and Communities, in consultation with the Deputy Leader – Place and Economic Growth, to procure the consultancy work through the most favourable route for the Council.



Members were updated on the Leisure Transformation Programme and asked to consider granting authorisation to proceed with the next steps towards delivering a new flagship leisure destination in Kirkby in Ashfield.


Members also considered the alternative option not to proceed with the Leisure Transformation Programme.



a)        delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Place and Communities to pursue match funding opportunities from Sport England and D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership;


b)        it be noted that a further report would be tabled later in the year setting out a fully costed business case;


c)         approval be given to the progression of the project through RIBA Stage 3 (Developed Design Stage) and the allocation of £240k within the Capital Programme for consultancy fees;


d)        delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Place and Communities, in consultation with the Deputy Leader – Place and Economic Growth, to procure the consultancy work through the most favourable route for the Council.



It enables the project to continue to be developed to the next stage.  Once completed this will enable full costings of the capital and revenue implications to be finalised.  In the longer term, the project seeks to deliver revenue savings through an invest to save approach resulting in a reduction in revenue costs when the Council re-tenders the Leisure Operator Contract.


Refresh of Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Key Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions

Portfolio Holder: Cllr Jackie James


a)        Cabinet note the continuing forecast budget gaps over the next five financial years and agree that a minimum savings target of £500k should be set for 2019/20;


b)        a further update of the Medium Term Financial Strategy be undertaken as soon as funding implications post 2019/20 are identified.




Members were asked to review the Medium Term Financial Strategy as part of the budget setting process to enable a savings target to be established.


Members also considered the alternative option of whether a different alignment of savings could be agreed as the more the Council saves in earlier years the less it would have to save overall.



a)        Cabinet note the continuing forecast budget gaps over the next five financial years and agree that a minimum savings target of £500k should be set for 2019/20;


b)        a further update of the Medium Term Financial Strategy be undertaken as soon as funding implications post 2019/20 are identified.



In order to address the on-going gap between the Council’s need to spend and its available funding, which will require net budget reductions of at least £2.65m over the next five years.  In the worst case scenario, dependent on government decisions around future funding, this figure could climb to £4.5m over the five years.




General Fund Revenue Budget Revised 2017/18 and 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 264 KB

Additional documents:




a)        the General Fund Revenue Estimates for 2017/18 (Revised) and 2018/19, as outlined in the report and Addendum, be noted and recommended to Council for approval;


b)        approval be given to the Council’s Local Tax Support Scheme continuing in its current form for 2018/19.



Members were asked to consider the General Fund Revenue Estimates for 2017/18 (Revised) and 2018/19 and also the continuation of the Council’s Local Council Tax Support Scheme.


An Addendum to the Agenda had previously been circulated to provide updated information with regard to Council Tax Options.


In view of the statutory requirements placed upon the Council, there were no

alternative options to consider.



a)        the General Fund Revenue Estimates for 2017/18 (Revised) and 2018/19, as outlined in the report and Addendum, be noted and recommended to Council for approval;


b)        approval be given to the Council’s Local Tax Support Scheme continuing in its current form for 2018/19.



In order to set a balanced budget for 2018/19 which reduces the net cost of the Council’s General Fund services in line with future predictions of resources.



Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budgets 2018/19 and Rent Setting 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Additional documents:


Approval be given to the following:-

a)        the HRA budgets for 2018/19, as detailed in the report;


b)        an average rent decrease of 1% being set for all council house rents for 2018/19;


c)         a garage rent increase of 4% (average 27p per week) being set for 2018/19;


d)        a weekly amenity charge of 70p being set for 2018/19;


e)        the communal heating charges being kept at the current rate for 2018/19;


f)          the water charges at Brook Street Court being kept at the current rate for 2018/19;


g)        the movements in earmarked reserves, as detailed in the report.



Members were asked to consider the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Original Estimate for 2018/19.


Members also considered the alternative option not to approve the budgets and refer the estimates back to the appropriate Portfolio Holder and officers for reconsideration.



that approval be given to the following:-

a)        the HRA budgets for 2018/19, as detailed in the report;


b)        an average rent decrease of 1% being set for all council house rents for 2018/19;


c)         a garage rent increase of 4% (average 27p per week) being set for 2018/19;


d)        a weekly amenity charge of 70p being set for 2018/19;


e)        the communal heating charges being kept at the current rate for 2018/19;


f)          the water charges at Brook Street Court being kept at the current rate for 2018/19;


g)        the movements in earmarked reserves, as detailed in the report.



To approve the budgets for the HRA for 2018/19.  To set a 1% rent decrease as detailed in Section 21-28 of the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016.


Proposed Capital Strategy 2017/18 to 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Key Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Jackie James


The following be agreed and recommended to Council for approval:-

a)        the proposed increase in Capital borrowing of £3.8m for 2020/21 and 2021/22;


b)        the potential use of Capital borrowing of £6m (estimated figure) to part fund the new Kirkby Leisure Centre;


c)         the carry forward of unused borrowing of £254k from 2016/17 into 2017/18.



Members were asked to consider the proposed Capital Strategy 2017/18 to 2021/22.


Members also considered the alternative option of declining to approve the proposed Capital Strategy.



that the following be agreed and recommended to Council for approval:-

a)        the proposed increase in Capital borrowing of £3.8m for 2020/21 and 2021/22;


b)        the potential use of Capital borrowing of £6m (estimated figure) to part fund the new Kirkby Leisure Centre;


c)         the carry forward of unused borrowing of £254k from 2016/17 into 2017/18.



To ensure that the proposed capital expenditure could continue to be funded from borrowing to the end of 2021/22.


Proposed Capital Programme 2017/18 to 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Additional documents:



The proposed changes to the strategies and revised Capital Programme for 2017/18 to 2021/22, as outlined in the report, be agreed and recommended to Council for approval.



Members were updated on the proposed expenditure for existing projects and asked to consider the requirements for the Capital Programme over the period 2017/18 to 2021/22.


Members also considered the alternative option of declining to approve changes to existing projects and the Capital Programme.



that the proposed changes to the strategies and revised Capital Programme for 2017/18 to 2021/22, as outlined in the report, be agreed and recommended to Council for approval.



To approve changes to projects and to extend capital investment in projects for the years 2020/21 to 2021/22.


Section 100A Local Government Act 1972 (Exclusion of the Press and Public)

A Member of the Cabinet is asked to move:-


 “That in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be now excluded from the meeting during the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and in respect of which the Proper Officer considers the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.”


In accordance with the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be now excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act and in respect of which the Proper Officer considers that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.



that in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be now excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act and in respect of which the Proper Officer considers that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


Proposed Sale of Broomhill Cemetery Lodge (Exempt by virtue of paragraph 3)

Exempt Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Keir Morrison



a)        approval be given to the disposal of Broomhill Cemetery Lodge, Hucknall to raise capital for re-investment in affordable rented accommodation within the HRA;


b)        Council approval be sought, under Article 4 (4.01(c)) of the Constitution, to submit an application to the Secretary of State for consent to dispose of Broomhill Cemetery Lodge under Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985;


c)         subject to Council approval, delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Assets to submit an application for consent to the Secretary of State and, in the event of receiving consent, to proceed to dispose of Broomhill Cemetery lodge complying with any conditions imposed.  Furthermore, subject to any conditions imposed, the delegation arrangements would include determining the most appropriate method of disposal and to agree the asking price for Broomhill Cemetery Lodge;


d)        the Director Legal and Governance be authorised to carry out all necessary legal transactions to complete the disposal.



Members were asked to consider the sale of Broomhill Cemetery Lodge, Hucknall to raise capital for re-investment in affordable rented housing to be held in the Housing Revenue Account.


Members also considered the following alternative options:-


1.         To refurbish Broomhill Cemetery Lodge and re-let to families on the waiting list.  This option was considered but the high costs of refurbishment meant that this would not be the most cost effective option.  Also, it is considered that the potential value of this property is such that up to two, more suitable, affordable homes could be provided with the receipts.


2.         To refurbish Broomhill Cemetery Lodge and convert to office accommodation.  This option was investigated but it quickly became apparent that significant costs would be incurred in providing good quality commercial premises which met with planning requirements.  It is also likely that due to its location the offices would have limited appeal and the income generated would be so low that refurbishments costs might never be recovered.


3.         To demolish Broomhill Cemetery Lodge and prepare the land for eventual use as additional burial plots to meet future demand. This was not pursued as the Council has now secured sufficient capacity elsewhere in the District. 



a)        approval be given to the disposal of Broomhill Cemetery Lodge, Hucknall to raise capital for re-investment in affordable rented accommodation within the HRA;


b)        Council approval be sought, under Article 4 (4.01(c)) of the Constitution, to submit an application to the Secretary of State for consent to dispose of Broomhill Cemetery Lodge under Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985;


c)         subject to Council approval, delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Assets to submit an application for consent to the Secretary of State and, in the event of receiving consent, to proceed to dispose of Broomhill Cemetery lodge complying with any conditions imposed.  Furthermore, subject to any conditions imposed, the delegation arrangements would include determining the most appropriate method of disposal and to agree the asking price for Broomhill Cemetery Lodge;


d)        the Director Legal and Governance be authorised to carry out all necessary legal transactions to complete the disposal.



Broomhill Cemetery Lodge has been empty for a number of years.  In that time it has fallen into disrepair to such an extent that it would take some time to recoup the cost of refurbishment through rental income. 

It is also incurring monthly costs and taking up officer time to keep it secure. The fact that this property is detached, and in a good location, means that it is considered more cost effective to sell at market rates so that the receipts can be used to provide affordable homes for rent.  These properties would be held within the Housing Revenue Account and let to eligible families on the housing register.


Proposed Sale of Lawn House (Exempt by virtue of paragraph 3)

Exempt Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Keir Morrison


a)      approval be given to the disposal of Lawn House, Sutton in Ashfield to raise capital for re-investment in affordable rented accommodation within the HRA;


b)      Council approval be sought, under Article 4 (4.01(c)) of the Constitution, to submit an application to the Secretary of State for consent to dispose of Lawn House under Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985;


c)      subject to Council approval, delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Assets to submit an application for consent to the Secretary of State and, in the event of receiving consent, to proceed to dispose of Lawn House complying with any conditions imposed.  Furthermore, subject to any conditions imposed, the delegation arrangements would include determining the most appropriate method of disposal and to agree the asking price for Lawn House;


d)      the Director Legal and Governance be authorised to carry out all necessary legal transactions to complete the disposal.



Members were asked to consider the sale of Lawn House to raise capital for re-investment in affordable rented housing to be held in the Housing Revenue Account.


Members also considered the alternative option to refurbish Lawn House and let to a family on the housing register.  This option was considered but the high cost of refurbishment meant that this would not be the most cost effective option.  Also, it is considered that the potential value of this property is such that at up to two, more suitable, affordable homes could be provided with the receipts.



a)      approval be given to the disposal of Lawn House, Sutton in Ashfield to raise capital for re-investment in affordable rented accommodation within the HRA;


b)      Council approval be sought, under Article 4 (4.01(c)) of the Constitution, to submit an application to the Secretary of State for consent to dispose of Lawn House under Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985;


c)      subject to Council approval, delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Assets to submit an application for consent to the Secretary of State and, in the event of receiving consent, to proceed to dispose of Lawn House complying with any conditions imposed.  Furthermore, subject to any conditions imposed, the delegation arrangements would include determining the most appropriate method of disposal and to agree the asking price for Lawn House;


d)      the Director Legal and Governance be authorised to carry out all necessary legal transactions to complete the disposal.



Lawn House has been empty for a number of years and has fallen into disrepair.  Due to the extent of the remedial repairs required it would take some time for costs to be recouped through rental income. It is also incurring costs and taking up officer time to keep it secure.  The fact that this property is detached, and in a good location, means that it is considered more cost effective to sell at market rates so that the receipts can be used to provide affordable homes for rent.  These properties would be held within the Housing Revenue Account and let to eligible families on the housing register.