Agenda, decisions and minutes

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Contact: Alan Maher  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and non Disclosable Pecuniary / Other Interests


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 161 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 22 September were approved as a true record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 22 September were approved as a true record.


Place Enhancement Project. Appointment of Expert Advisers pdf icon PDF 175 KB

Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions.

Portfolio Holder: Cllr Don Davis




a)    That Cabinet agrees to apply Contract Procedure Rule 66.6 to allow the appointment process to proceed.

b)    That Cabinet agrees to approve use of funds from Section 106.


Members were reminded that one of the Council’s Corporate Plan aspirations is to make the District a location of choice for businesses, visitors and its residents.  The report to Cabinet recommended that a named specialist marketing company be appointed to help make progress on this by preparing an Action Plan for moving forwards with the Council’s Place Agenda. It was explained that in order to appoint the company Cabinet would have to agree the use of Contract Procedure Rule 66.6 This rule allows contracts to be awarded without first going out to tender in certain circumstances.


Cabinet discussed and welcomed the proposal. Members noted that the chosen company had extensive experience and had recently been appointed by the new Nottinghamshire Place Marketing Organisation to carry out Place Making work on behalf of the Local Economic Partnership for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. They hoped that their knowledge and experience would be of real assistance to Ashfield. They also welcomed the fact that the appointment would be at no direct cost to the Council, as it would be funded from the Section 106 allocation (money provided by developers for wider community uses as a condition of successful planning applications).


a)    That Cabinet agrees to apply Contract Procedure Rule 66.6 to allow the appointment process to proceed;

b)    That Cabinet agrees to approve use of funds from Section 106.


To enable the Council to progress its Place Agenda.



Operational Market Restructure pdf icon PDF 146 KB

Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions

Portfolio Holder: Don Davis





a)    That Cabinet approves the change in the grade of the post from an ‘E’ to and ‘F’ and that the increase of £4,275 be added to the pay budget for 2017/18. For the remainder of 2016/17 there will be a pro-rata increase of £1,068 (circa 3 months). The Council will look to contain this from the overall existing pay budget, if this is not possible the difference will be met from the Corporate Improvement Fund;

b)    That Cabinet approves the change to the post title from Markets Manager to  Market Retail Manager;

c)    That Cabinet agrees that the proposed recruitment process can commence.


Cabinet considered a report on the management arrangements for the Council’s markets. In particular, it proposed that the Markets Manager post be remodelled into that of Market Retail Manager.  The Committee heard that this change would give the post sufficient scope to help create and nurture development opportunities for both the indoor and outdoor markets.


Members discussed and welcomed the proposal, which would support the Council’s Commercial Enterprise Strategy, by realigning what was likely to be a key commercial role. In this context, they supported the higher grade at which the post had been evaluated as part of the Council’s Job Evaluation process. Cabinet believed that this would help to ensure that a suitably qualified person was appointed to meet the challenge.


Members also heard how the changed post would be funded during the current and future financial years, which they supported.



a)    That Cabinet approves the change in grade of the post from an ‘E’ to an F’ and that the increase of £4,275 be added to the pay budget for 2017/18. For the remainder of 2016/17 there will be a pro-rata increase of £1,068 (circa 3 months). The Council will look to contain this from the overall existing pay budget, if this is not possible the difference will be met from the Corporate Improvement Fund;

b)    That Cabinet approves the change to the post title from Markets Manager to Market Retail Manager;

c)    That Cabinet agrees that the proposed recruitment process can commence.


To assist in the team realignment to deliver a more commercial approach to markets and town centre enterprise.



Approval of the Housing Strategy 2016-20 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Key Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions

Portfolio Holder: Cllr Keir Morrison

Additional documents:


a)    That  Cabinet grants final approval of the 4 year Housing Strategy including the delivery of the action plan;

b)    That Cabinet notes the content of the final version of the Housing Strategy and associated Executive Summary



The report to Cabinet explained that the final version of the Housing Strategy for 2016-20 had now been produced. This would replace the previous strategy, which had ran until the end of 2015. The new Housing Strategy, it was explained, had been subject to extensive consultation over the summer. Cabinet welcomed this. Members were pleased that the views of stakeholders had been reflected in the Strategy and the Action Plan of specific initiatives to be carried out.


Members made it clear that they supported the Strategy and especially its focus on ensuring the supply of suitable and available accommodation, tackling disrepair, reducing / preventing homelessness caused by Domestic Violence and tackling fuel poverty.  Cabinet was pleased that the Strategy recognised clearly the vital role which good housing can play in promoting health and wellbeing and they looked forward to the contribution that it would make towards this.


Cabinet felt that as much progress as possible should be made towards achieving the overall aims of the Strategy and in delivering the specific Action Plan priorities.




a)    That Cabinet grants final approval for the 4 year Housing Strategy, including the delivery of the Action Plan;

b)    That Cabinet notes the content of the final version of the Housing Strategy and associated Executive Summary.


To enable the delivery of and publication of the document to replace the previous 4 year Strategy.



Leisure Review - Transformation Programme pdf icon PDF 476 KB

Key Decision included in the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions

Portfolio Holder: Cllr Jim Aspinall


a)    That Cabinet endorses the Leisure Review Consultation analysis contained within the body of the report and agrees to consult further on future options for Huthwaite and Edgewood Centres.

b)    That Cabinet endorses the findings from the Feasibility Studies for the replacement of Festival Hall Leisure Centre in Kirkby; and

(i)            To proceed with further feasibility works for the two preferred sites identified, to encompass two floor plans for:-

(a)  Dry only leisure centre;

(b)  Wet and dry leisure centre with 25 metre pool.

(ii)          That a grant application has been submitted to the Nottinghamshire Pre Development Fund to fund the feasibility study. If the bid is unsuccessful, the Revenue Budget be increased by £28,500 for 2016/17 and the increase recommended to Council.


Members next considered a report which set out the latest position on the Leisure Facilities Review consultation, which had taken place over the summer. The report updated Members on the preliminary feasibility study of potential sites for the replacement of the existing Festival Hall Leisure Centre in Kirkby.


Following on from this initial work, Cabinet was asked to endorse the findings of the feasibility studies which had taken place and to agree that further feasibility works take place on the replacement of the Festival Hall Leisure Centre in Kirkby by either a dry-only leisure centre (or in other words without a swimming pool) or a wet leisure centre (or a centre with a swimming pool).


Cabinet discussed the report and in particular the outcomes of the consultation exercise around each of the leisure centres. Members noted that there was widespread support for a replacement leisure facility in Kirkby, with many respondents requesting that it should include a pool. Cabinet heard that a grant application had been submitted to the Nottinghamshire Pre Development Fund, which, if successful, would meet the cost of the further study. Members welcomed this.


Cabinet concluded that the improvements to the District’s Leisure facilities would make a valuable contribution to improving the quality of local people and communities. They made it clear that they looked forward to further progress now being made.




a)    That Cabinet endorses the Leisure Review Consultation analysis set within the body of the report and agrees to consult further on future options for the Huthwaite and Edgewood Centres;

b)    That Cabinet endorses the findings from the feasibility studies for the replacement of Festival Hall Leisure Centre in Kirkby; and

(i)            To proceed with further feasibility works for the two preferred sites identified to encompass two floor plans for:

(a)  Dry-only leisure centre;

(b)  Wet and dry leisure centre with 25 metre pool

(ii)          That Cabinet notes that a grant application has been submitted to the Nottinghamshire Pre development Fund to fund the feasibility study. That Cabinet agrees that if the bid is unsuccessful, the Revenue Budget be increased by £28,500 for £2016/17 and the increase be recommended to Council.