Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield

Contact: Lynn Cain  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests


The Council’s Executive Director of Governance (and Monitoring Officer)

declared an interest on behalf of herself and the Chief Executive in relation to agenda item 16 (Appointment of Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer). There interests were such that they advised they would be leaving the room for the duration of the discussion and voting thereon.


Election of Chairman of the Council



that Councillor Arnie Hankin be elected Chairman of the Council until the next Annual Meeting.


(During nominations for election of the Chairman, Councillor Chris Huskinson entered the meeting at 7.07m.)


Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Chairman


The newly elected Chairman subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of

Office of Chairman pursuant to the provisions of Section 83 of the Local

Government Act 1972 and thanked Members of the Council for his appointment.


Vote of thanks to the retiring Chairman


Councillor Jason Zadrozny led the tributes and thanks to the retiring Chairman, Councillor Grounds, and welcomed Councillor Hankin into his new role.


The following Councillors also expressed their thanks and gratitude to

Councillor Grounds:


Cllr. John Wilmott

Cllr. Helen-Ann Smith

Cllr. Sarah Madigan

Cllr. Dave Shaw

Cllr. Lee Waters

Cllr. Phil Rostance.


Councillor Grounds took the opportunity to address Council and gave a summary of his last civic events whilst thanking officers and everyone in attendance at the meeting for their kindness and support throughout the previous year.


Election of Vice Chairman of the Council



that Councillor Paul Grafton be elected Vice Chairman of the Council until

the next Annual Meeting.


Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Vice Chairman


The newly elected Vice Chairman subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairman pursuant to the provisions of Section 83 of the Local

Government Act 1972 and thanked Members of the Council for his appointment.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 101 KB



that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15 April 2024, as now submitted, be received and approved.


Chairman and Head of Paid Service Announcements


Chairman of the Council

The Chairman, Councillor Arnie Hankin, advised the Chamber that his chosen charities for his forthcoming year in office were Parkinson’s UK and the Alzheimer’s Society.


Leader of the Council

The Leader of the Council took the opportunity to present gifts/awards of gratitude and appreciation to the following:


1.    Trevor Middleton, Former Markets and Town Centres Manager, for his long service to the Council and his unwavering commitment and dedication to improving the lives of Ashfield residents.


2.    Councill Rachel Madden, Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits, for her 25 years of loyal service as a Councillor.


3.    Tony Delahunty, Radio Presenter at Mansfield 103.2, for his 25 years of exemplary radio broadcasting and serving the needs of Ashfield and Mansfield residents.


Members took the opportunity to celebrate each awardee in turn, offering their thanks, appreciation and anecdotes.


Composition of the Council

(Scheme of Delegation to be circulated at the meeting – cream papers)



that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 1.1(viii) and (ix), Council noted that the Leader was making no changes to the composition of the Executive and the Scheme of Delegation for the forthcoming year.


Appointment of Committees pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Accordingly, the Council is requested to appoint the following Committees (including appointment of Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and membership seats):-


Principal Select Committee

Place and Innovation Select Committee

Environment and Communities Select Committee

Planning Committee

Licensing Committee

Audit Committee

Local Joint Consultative Committee

Chief Officers’ Employment Committee

Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee

Charites Committee

Local Plan Development Committee

(Schedule of committee memberships to be circulated at the meeting

– grey papers)


Council was requested to determine the appointment of Committees including Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and membership seats for the ensuing year as per the Committee Membership Schedule as circulated.



a)    in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 1.3 (i) and (iv), the following Committees be appointed for the ensuing year:-


Principal Select Committee

Environment and Communities Select Committee

Place and Innovation Select Committee

Planning Committee

Licensing Committee

Audit Committee

Charities Committee

Chief Officers’ Employment Committee

Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee

Local Plan Development Committee

Local Joint Consultative Committee


b)    the following Members be appointed to the Polling Places and Polling Districts Review Working Group for the coming year:


Cllr. Samantha Deakin

Cllr. Tom Hollis

Cllr. Rachel Madden

Cllr. Andy Meakin

Cllr. Phil Rostance

Cllr. Helen-Ann Smith

Cllr. Jason Zadrozny (Chairman);

c)    as a result of (a) above, the following appointments for Chairmen, ViceChairmen and membership seats be approved:-


Principal Select Committee (7)

(6 Ashfield Independents, 1 Conservative)

Kier Barsby (Chairman)

Jamie Bell

Jodine Cronshaw

Julie Gregory (Vice Chairman)

Warren Nuttall

Phil Rostance

John Smallridge


Environment and Communities Select Committee (7)

(7 Ashfield Independents)

Will Bostock

Paul Grafton

Sarah Lewsey (Vice Chairman)

Trevor Locke

Gordon Mann

Dave Shaw (Chairman)

Lee Waters


Place and Innovation Select Committee (7)

(6 Ashfield Independents, 1 Labour)

Ian Briggs

Jodine Cronshaw

Andy Gascoyne

Oliver Hay (Chairman)

Sarah Madigan

Cathy Mason

David Walters (Vice Chairman)


Planning Committee (9)

(9 Ashfield Independents)

Jamie Bell (Vice Chairman)

Jodine Cronshaw

Samantha Deakin

Arnie Hankin

Rachel Madden

Sarah Madigan (Chairman)

Andy Meakin

John Smallridge

Helen-Ann Smith


Licensing Committee (10)  

(9 Ashfield Independents, 1 Conservative)

Jamie Bell

Ian Briggs

Jodine Cronshaw

Paul Grafton

Julie Gregory

Dale Grounds

Dawn Justice

Sarah Madigan

Warren Nuttall (Chairman)

John Wilmott


Audit Committee (7)

(6 Ashfield Independents, 1 Conservative)

Will Bostock (Chairman)

Ian Briggs

Dawn Justice

Sarah Lewsey

Sarah Madigan

Nicholas Parvin

John Smallridge


Charities Committee (7)

(6 Ashfield Independents, 1 Labour)

Ian Briggs

Julie Gregory

Vicki Heslop

Sarah Lewsey

Gordon Mann (Chairman)

Cathy Mason

David Walters


Chief Officers’ Employment Committee (7)

(7 Ashfield Independents)

Jodine Cronshaw (Chairman)

Samantha Deakin

Tom Hollis

Christopher Huskinson

Rachel Madden

Helen-Ann Smith

Jason Zadrozny


Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee (7)

(6 Ashfield Independents, 1 Conservative)

Kier Barsby

Jamie Bell

Paul Grafton

Oliver Hay

Phil Rostance

Dave Shaw

Lee Waters (Chairman)


Local Plan Development Committee (9)

(9 Ashfield Independents)

Jamie Bell

Samantha Deakin

Dale Grounds (Vice Chairman)

Arnie Hankin

Christopher Huskinson

Gordon Mann

Matthew Relf

John Smallridge (Chairman)

Helen-Ann Smith


Local Joint Consultative Committee (7)

(Not subject to political balance rules)

Vicki Heslop

Tom Hollis

Christopher Huskinson

Rachel Madden

Andy Meakin

Matthew Relf

John Wilmott


(During consideration of the item and in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 30, it was moved by Councillor Jason Zadrozny and seconded by Councillor Helen-Ann Smith that Council Procedure Rule 23 [Conclusion of Proceedings] be suspended, for the duration of the meeting, to enable all matters on the agenda to be satisfactorily concluded. Having been put to the vote, the Council agreed with this  ...  view the full minutes text for item C.10


Schedule of Council,. Cabinet and Committee Meetings pdf icon PDF 161 KB


Council was requested to approve the updated Schedule of Council, Cabinet

and Committee Meetings for 2024/25 as appended to the agenda.



that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 1.1(x), the Schedule of

Council, Cabinet and Committee meetings for 2024/25 as presented, be approved.


Findings of the Independent Remuneration Panel Review pdf icon PDF 187 KB

Additional documents:


Council was presented with the final report of the Independent Remuneration

Panel following a review of Ashfield District Council’s Members’ Allowances Scheme carried out in February 2024. Members were asked to consider the findings of the Independent Remuneration Panel and determine whether to accept the recommendations within the final report.



a)    the Basic Allowance is maintained at £7,884, subject to any indexation that may be applicable;


b)    the Basic Allowance continues to cover the cost of ‘incidental’ expenses Members may incur while carrying out their duties, such as telephone calls from their home landlines, calls on personal mobile phones, using broadband from home and printer and IT consumables, etc;


c)    the Basic Allowance continues to be deemed to cover in-authority travel and subsistence costs that Members may incur in carrying out their Council duties;


d)    the Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) for the Leader be maintained at £23,301, subject to any applicable indexation;


e)    it be agreed that there is no change to the following SRAs:




Recommended SRA


Chairmen of:




Principal Select Committee



40% X Leader’s SRA

Inward and Outward Select Committees



30% X Leader’s SRA

Planning Committee



40% X Leader’s SRA

Audit Committee



20% X Leader’s SRA

Vice Chairmen of:


Principal Select Committee



15% X Leader’s SRA

Inward and Outward Select Committees



8.5% X Leader’s SRA

Planning Committee



15% X Leader’s SRA

Local Plan Development Committee



9% X Leader’s SRA

Opposition SRAs:




Leader of the Main Opposition Group (where Group has 7 or more Members)



40% X Leader’s SRA

Deputy Leader of the Main Opposition Group (where Group has 7 or more Members)



15% X Group Leader’s SRA (at top tier)

Leaders of Other Opposition Group[s] (where Group has at least 4 Members)


£365 per Member



f)     the SRA for the two Deputy Leaders is maintained at 75 per cent of the Leader’s SRA (£23,301) and paid at £17,476, subject to any applicable indexation;


g)    the SRA for the 7 Executive Lead Members is maintained at 60 per cent of the Leader’s SRA (£23,301) and paid at £13,981, subject to any applicable indexation;


h)    the SRA for the Chairman of the Licensing Committee is maintained at 20 per cent of the Leader’s SRA (£23,301) and paid at £4,660, subject to any applicable indexation;


i)     the SRA for the Chairman of the Local Plan Development Committee is maintained at 30 per cent of the Leader’s SRA (£23,301) and paid at £6,990, subject to any applicable indexation;


j)     the SRA for the Vice Chairman of the Local Plan Development Committee is maintained at 8.5 per cent of the Leader’s SRA (£23,301) and paid at £1,981, subject to any applicable indexation;


k)    the SRA for the Chairman of the Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee is maintained at 20 per cent of the Leader’s SRA (£23,301) and paid at £4,660, subject to any applicable indexation;


l)     the  ...  view the full minutes text for item C.12


Annual Constitution Review pdf icon PDF 113 KB


Council was requested to consider and approve the proposed changes to the

Council’s Constitution, as presented, and as recommended by the Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee.



a)    the proposed changes to the Council’s Constitution for 2024/25, as outlined in the report, be received and approved;


b)    delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director for Governance and Monitoring Officer to make any necessary amendments to the Constitution, following any changing delegations as a result of the Decision Making Accountability (DMA) process.


Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


Council was requested to nominate/appoint representatives to the Outside Bodies listed in the schedule as circulated at the meeting.



that the following representatives be appointed to the under-mentioned bodies:-




New Term Ending



Ashfield Citizens’ Advice Bureau Management Committee

Cllr. Warren Nuttall (to replace Cllr. Jodine Cronshaw)



31 May 2026


(mid-term change)



Ashfield Community Safety Partnership Joint Strategic Group


Cllr. John Wilmott

Cllr. Helen-Ann Smith (substitute)



31 May 2025


Byron Charity


Cllr. Ian Briggs

Cllr. Trevor Locke

Cllr. Gordon Mann

Cllr. Phil Rostance

Cllr. Dave Shaw

Cllr. Lee Waters

Cllrs. John Wilmott



31 May 2027


(3 Year Term)


Discover Ashfield Board




Cllr. Matthew Relf

Cllr. Helen-Ann Smith

Cllr. Julie Gregory (Scrutiny Member)



31 May 2025


D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Board

Cllr. Matthew Relf (to replace Cllr. Jason Zadrozny)



31 May 2027


(mid-term change)



East Midlands Councils

Cllr. Matthew Relf (to replace Cllr. Jason Zadrozny)



31 May 2027


(mid-term change)


Economic Prosperity Committee

Cllr. Matthew Relf

Cllr. Jason Zadrozny (substitute)




31 May 2027


(mid-term change)


Greater Nottingham Joint Planning Advisory Board



Cllr. Matthew Relf

31 May 2025



Greenwood Community Forest Steering Group



Cllr. Matthew Relf

31 May 2025



Health and Wellbeing Board

(County Council)




Cllr. David Walters

Cllr. Kier Barsby (substitute)

31 May 2025


Hucknall & District Voluntary Partnership (Under One Roof Project)



Cllr. Ian Briggs

31 May 2025



Kirkby Towns Board





Cllr. Chris Huskinson

Cllr. Matthew Relf

Cllr. Jason Zadrozny


31 May 2025


Mansfield & District Crematorium Joint Committee




Cllr. Tom Hollis

Cllr. Chris Huskinson

Cllr. Helen-Ann Smith

31 May 2025


Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust



Cllr. Nicholas Parvin


31 May 2025


Nottinghamshire Joint Waste Management Committee



Cllr. Helen-Ann Smith

31 May 2025


Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust



Cllr. Arnie Hankin

31 May 2025


PATROL Adjudication Joint Committee



Cllr. Andy Meakin

31 May 2025


Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire



Cllr. Arnie Hankin

31 May 2025


Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust



Cllr. David Walters

31 May 2025


Teversal Grange Advisory Committee



Cllr. Jodine Cronshaw

Cllr. Tom Hollis

Cllr. Helen-Ann Smith

31 May 2025



Appointment of Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer pdf icon PDF 121 KB


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 5.1 (Urgent Items), the Chairman had agreed to allow Council to consider the report as an urgent item.


Council was therefore requested to appoint Theresa Hodgkinson, Chief Executive as the Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer and to authorise nominated officers to act as Deputy Electoral Registration Officers for the purposes of signing Temporary Voter Authority Certificates.


(The Council’s Chief Executive and Executive Director for Governance (and Monitoring Officer), had previously declared interests in respect of this item. Their interests were such that they left the room and took no part in the ensuing discussions regarding the matter.)


a)    with effect from 31 May 2024, Theresa Hodgkinson, Chief Executive, be appointed as the following for the purposes of the 2024 General Election only:


·         the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) for the Council pursuant to Section 8(2)(a) of the Representation of the People Act 1983;


·         the Returning Officer (RO) pursuant to Section 35(1) of the Representation of the People Act 1983 with authority to act in that capacity for elections to the Council and all or any Parish Councils within the Council’s administrative area;


·         to act in respect of all related electoral, poll or referendum duties, including elections to the County Council, European Parliament and for national and regional polls or referenda;


b)    with effect from 31 May 2024, Ruth Dennis, Executive Director for Governance (and Monitoring Officer), be appointed as Deputy Electoral Registration Officer pursuant to Section 52(2) of the 1983 Act, for the purposes of the 2024 General Election only.
