Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield

Contact: Lynn Cain  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests


No declarations of interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 135 KB



that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 25 May 2023, as now submitted, be received and approved.


Announcements from the Chairman, Leader, Members of the Cabinet and the Head of Paid Service


Executive Lead Member for Parks and Environmental Services

Thanks were given to the Environmental Services Team for retaining the Council’s six green flags for another year with a seventh being awarded for Kings Mill Reservoir.  An award ceremony had been held the previous week to celebrate the success.  


Congratulations were also given to Forest Glade Primary School, an inner-town school who had worked tremendously hard over the past year to develop their limited green space and achieve a well-earned green flag.  The Council was very proud of their achievements.


Leader of the Council

Further thanks were given to the Environmental Services Team for their green flag success.


In respect of the later agenda item regarding the annual Constitution Update and the new standing agenda item to allow presentation of awards and/or certificates by the Chairman, the Leader welcomed the addition and reiterated the importance of continuing to highlight the Council’s achievements.


Reference was made to the Extraordinary Council meeting held earlier in the evening and recognition was given to the outstanding work and continued commitment of the new Aldermen, John Baird and Christian Chapman.


Acknowledgement was also given to former Councillors Ciaran Brown and David Martin for their work within the Council, the District and its local communities.  They had both served with diligence and loyalty to improve the lives of Ashfield residents.


Questions from the Public

(None received for this meeting)



No questions were received for consideration.



(None received for this meeting)


No petitions were received for consideration.


Hucknall Leisure Centre Car Park Extension pdf icon PDF 97 KB


Council was requested to consider the allocation of funding for a car park extension at Hucknall Leisure Centre.



that subject to consultation outcome, the allocation of funding for a car park extension at Hucknall Leisure Centre, be approved.




Constitution Update pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Additional documents:


Council was presented with further proposed updates to the Constitution for

approval, having been considered by the Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee at a meeting held in July 2023.



that the proposed changes to the Council’s Constitution as detailed within

the report and as recommended by the Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee, be approved.


Appointment of the Independent Remuneration Panel pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


Council was requested to agree appointments to the Independent Remuneration Panel for a four-year term and to approve the Terms of Reference and role descriptors for the appointed Panel Members, as outlined in the report.



a)    the appointment of Dr Declan Hall as the Chair of the Independent Remuneration Panel for a four-year term, be approved;


b)    the appointment of Paula Watkinson and Andrew Frogson as Lay Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for a four-year term, be approved;


c)    the Independent Remuneration Panel Terms of Reference and role descriptors for the Chair and Lay Members, as appended to the report, be approved;


d)    delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive to agree associated fees and expenses connected with the Independent Remuneration Panel.


Polling Places Review Working Group pdf icon PDF 105 KB


Council considered proposals for ensuring that the Council fulfils its statutory obligation to review polling places and polling districts.



a)    the establishment of a Polling Places and Polling District Review Working Group, be approved;


b)    the Working Group to consist of 7 Members in accordance with Political Balance;


c)    the Leader of the Council be appointed to the Group as Chairman with the membership as follows:


Cllr. Samantha Deakin

Cllr. Tom Hollis

Cllr. Rachel Madden

Cllr. Andy Meakin

Cllr. Phil Rostance

Cllr. Helen-Ann Smith

Cllr. Jason Zadrozny (Chairman);


d)    the draft timetable, as outlined in the report, be approved.


Changes to Schedule of Meetings 2023/24


The Leader asked Council to consider a change to the start time of evening meetings from 6.30pm to 7.00pm.



that the commencement time of evening meetings be changed to 7.00pm for the remainder of the municipal year.


Recommendations from the Cabinet and the Council's Committees

(None received for this meeting)


No recommendations were submitted for consideration.


Updates from Members of the Cabinet on their Portfolio Activity


The following Cabinet Members gave updates in relation to their portfolio activity:


Councillor Christopher Huskinson – Executive Lead Member for Leisure, Health and Wellbeing


Councillor Matthew Relf – Executive Lead Member for Growth, Regeneration and Local Planning


Councillor Tom Hollis – Deputy Leader and Executive Lead Member for Strategic Planning and Climate Change


Councillor Jason Zadrozny – Leader of the Council


Councillor Helen-Ann Smith – Executive Lead Member for Community Safety and Crime Reduction


Councillor Vicki Heslop – Executive Lead Member for Customer and Digital Experience


Councillor John Wilmott – Executive Lead Member for Governance.


Notices of Motion

(None received for this meeting)



No motions were received for consideration.


Questions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13

(None received for this meeting)



No questions were received from Members.


Questions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13.2 - In relation to Cabinet and Committee Meeting Minutes published since the last ordinary meeting of the Council pdf icon PDF 73 KB

(None received for this meeting)



No questions were received from Members.