Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 1 December and 8 December 2022, as now submitted, be received and approved. |
Announcements from the Chairman, Leader, Members of the Cabinet and the Head of Paid Service Minutes: Leader of the Council In relation to item 10 on the agenda and specifically Notice of Motion 1, the Leader asked the Director of Legal and Governance (and Monitoring Officer) to outline the procedure for referring a motion onto Cabinet without debate.
Following the explanation, the Leader commented that the Council always tried to appropriately remember fallen soldiers from Ashfield and advised that he was currently having conversations with a few local families regarding how best to honour and remember their loved ones who had served in the armed forces.
In relation to the Notice of Motion being referred to Cabinet, all Members were reassured that if they wished to attend the meeting and speak regarding remembrance of the two fallen soldiers mentioned in the motion, then they would be welcomed and listened to with a view to agreeing an appropriate way forward for honouring them accordingly.
Executive Lead Member for Council and Social Housing Following the recent Housing Peer Review that had taken place, Members and officers were thanked for taking the time out to participate and contribute towards the process. Early feedback had been extremely positive which put the Council in a good place and once the final report had been received, Members would be updated accordingly. |
Questions from the Public (None received for this meeting)
Minutes: No questions were received for consideration. |
Petitions (None received for this meeting) Minutes: No petitions were received for consideration. |
Pay Policy Statement 2023/24 Additional documents:
Minutes: Council was requested to approve and adopt the Pay Policy Statement for 2023/24.
RESOLVED that the Council’s Pay Policy Statement for 2023/24, as presented, be received and approved. |
Interim Review of a Single Polling Place Minutes: Council was requested to approve the relocation of one polling place in the Sutton Central & New Cross Ward, following a public consultation exercise where no representations or objections were received.
RESOLVED that a) the changes to the polling place location, as detailed in table 1 of this report, be approved;
b) it be noted that the approved changes will take effect on 3 February 2023. |
Recommendations from the Cabinet and the Council's Committees Additional documents:
Minutes: In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2(ix), Council considered the following recommendations:
Minute No. CA.38 Cabinet, 13 December 2022 2022/23 Forecast Outturn for General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Programme as at September 2022
RESOLVED that the amendments to the Capital Programme 2022/23 to 2023/24 and the funding of the Capital Programme as set out in Section 6 and Table 5 of the Cabinet report, be approved.
Minute No. CA.54 Cabinet, 24 January 2023 Public Spaces Protection Order 2023 – Proposal
RESOLVED that the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order, as set out in the draft Order appended to the Cabinet report, be approved and come into force on 1st March 2023.
(During consideration of this item, Councillor Phil Rostance entered the meeting at 7.38pm.) |
Updates from Members of the Cabinet on their Portfolio Activity Minutes: The following Cabinet Members gave updates in relation to their portfolio activity:
Councillor Samantha Deakin - Executive Lead Member for Parks, Town Centres and Environmental Services
Councillor John Wilmott – Executive Lead Member for Licensing, Environmental Health and Regulatory Services
Councillor Rachel Madden – Executive Lead Member for Leisure, Health and Wellbeing
Councillor Helen-Ann Smith – Deputy Leader and Executive Lead Member for Community Safety and Crime Reduction
Councillor Jason Zadrozny – Leader of the Council
Councillor David Martin – Deputy Leader and Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits
Councillor David Hennigan, Executive Lead Member for Climate Action Strategy and Corporate Communications. |
Notice of Motion 1 To consider a notice of motion proposed by Councillor Chris Baron and seconded by Councillor Phil Rostance, as follows:-
“Rifleman Adrian Sheldon sadly died in Afghanistan in May 2009, after 10 years of military service. Justifiably his family and his regiment will never forget him.
Equally Private Paul Sandford from Hucknall was tragically killed in Afghanistan after military service with the Worcester and Sherwood Foresters. He too is still sadly missed.
Paul was educated and lived in Hucknall all his life and followed the military route of joining the local regiment.
Adrian lived in Kirkby all his short life, and they both gave their lives to safeguard the future of others from tyranny and dictatorship. Adrian final resting place is at Kingsway cemetery, and Pauls final resting place is in Hucknall cemetery, with a plaque erected in St Mary’s Magdalene church in Hucknall.
As former Hucknall and Kirkby in Ashfield residents, isn’t it time to honour their lives through the naming of a street after them?”
Motion 2 To consider a notice of motion proposed by Councillor Phil Rostance and seconded by Councillor Chris Baron, as follows:-
“This council acknowledges Remembrance Sunday as a tribute to all members of the armed forces who gave their life for this country.
Over the past few years local councils with limited resources have struggled to assist with these events.
This council could erect the street poppies on lampposts, deal with road closures, and encourage traffic marshals, in allegiance with the Royal British Legion to make a professional privileged yearly event.
This council should have a budget heading solely for the organisational support and running of such events throughout the district.
This motion calls for the executive cabinet to ensure from now on that these events are something Ashfield can be proud of, with a budget to execute them.”
Motion 3 To consider a notice of motion proposed by Councillor Arnie Hankin and seconded by Councillor Dave Shaw, as follows:-
Ashfield District Council notes that Nottinghamshire County Council are responsible for our broken roads and pavements. This Council further notes that Nottinghamshire County Council gets 75% of the total raised in Council Tax in Ashfield. In comparison, Ashfield District Council gets 9%.
This Council believes that the state of Ashfield’s broken roads and pavements is diabolical with complaints about pot-holes going through the roof. Roads are simply crumbling and many represent a clear and present danger of a serious accident or worse.
This Council further believes that the state of the broken roads and pavements has an adverse impact on house prices and puts off investors which impacts jobs.
This Council therefore resolves to:
1. Instruct the Chief Executive, in liaison with the Leader of Ashfield District Council to write to the Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council outlining this Council’s dissatisfaction with the state of roads and pavements.
2. Look for opportunities using our Communication Team and local media to outline who is responsible ... view the full agenda text for item C.66 Minutes: The Council received a notice of motion moved by Councillor Chris Baron and seconded by Councillor Phil Rostance as follows:-
“Rifleman Adrian Sheldon sadly died in Afghanistan in May 2009, after 10 years of military service. Justifiably his family and his regiment will never forget him.
Equally Private Paul Sandford from Hucknall was tragically killed in Afghanistan after military service with the Worcester and Sherwood Foresters. He too is still sadly missed.
Paul was educated and lived in Hucknall all his life and followed the military route of joining the local regiment.
Adrian lived in Kirkby all his short life, and they both gave their lives to safeguard the future of others from tyranny and dictatorship. Adrian final resting place is at Kingsway cemetery, and Pauls final resting place is in Hucknall cemetery, with a plaque erected in St Mary’s Magdalene church in Hucknall.
As former Hucknall and Kirkby in Ashfield residents, isn’t it time to honour their lives through the naming of a street after them?”
Following an explanation from the Chairman in relation to Council Procedure Rule 14.4 and the process for considering a motion that is the responsibility of the Cabinet, the motion once moved and seconded was duly referred back to Cabinet for further discussion without debate. |
Notice of Motion 2 Minutes: The Council received a notice of motion moved by Councillor Phil Rostance and seconded by Councillor Chris Baron as follows:-
“This council acknowledges Remembrance Sunday as a tribute to all members of the armed forces who gave their life for this country.
Over the past few years local councils with limited resources have struggled to assist with these events.
This council could erect the street poppies on lampposts, deal with road closures, and encourage traffic marshals, in allegiance with the Royal British Legion to make a professional privileged yearly event.
This council should have a budget heading solely for the organisational support and running of such events throughout the district.
This motion calls for the executive cabinet to ensure from now on that these events are something Ashfield can be proud of, with a budget to execute them.”
Councillor Lee Waters moved an amendment to the motion (indicated in red), seconded by Councillor David Martin, as circulated at the meeting as follows:
This Council notes with regret
that over the
This motion calls for
Events and acts of remembrance across the district are organised by fantastic, community minded volunteers and organisations, often working closely with Ashfield District Council.
This Council would like to formalise a vote of thanks to the amazing teams of volunteers from across the communities of our District that ... view the full minutes text for item C.67 |
Notice of Motion 3 Minutes: The Council received a notice of motion moved by Councillor Arnie Hankin and seconded by Councillor Dave Shaw as follows:-
Ashfield District Council notes that Nottinghamshire County Council are responsible for our broken roads and pavements. This Council further notes that Nottinghamshire County Council gets 75% of the total raised in Council Tax in Ashfield. In comparison, Ashfield District Council gets 9%.
This Council believes that the state of Ashfield’s broken roads and pavements is diabolical with complaints about pot-holes going through the roof. Roads are simply crumbling and many represent a clear and present danger of a serious accident or worse.
This Council further believes that the state of the broken roads and pavements has an adverse impact on house prices and puts off investors which impacts jobs.
This Council therefore resolves to:
1. Instruct the Chief Executive, in liaison with the Leader of Ashfield District Council to write to the Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council outlining this Council’s dissatisfaction with the state of roads and pavements.
2. Look for opportunities using our Communication Team and local media to outline who is responsible for fixing our broken roads and pavements and encourage residents to report highways defects to Nottinghamshire County Council.
3. Create a prominent section on the council website that makes it clear that our Highways is Nottinghamshire County Council’s responsibility. This will include how to report faults, how to claim against the County Council for damages caused to vehicles through defective roads and how to claim damages for pedestrians suffering personal injury through defective pavements.”
Having been fully considered, the motion was put to the vote and it was
RESOLVED that a) the Chief Executive be instructed, in liaison with the Leader of Ashfield District Council, to write to the Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council outlining this Council’s dissatisfaction with the state of roads and pavements;
b) opportunities be sought using the Council’s Communication Team and local media to outline who is responsible for fixing our broken roads and pavements and encourage residents to report highways defects to Nottinghamshire County Council;
c) a prominent section on the Council’s website be created that makes it clear that Highways is Nottinghamshire County Council’s responsibility. This will include how to report faults, how to claim against the County Council for damages caused to vehicles through defective roads and how to claim damages for pedestrians suffering personal injury through defective pavements.
(Prior to consideration of the motion, Councillors Chris Baron and Melanie Darrington left the meeting at 9.15pm.) |
Questions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13 (None received for this meeting)
Minutes: There were no questions submitted by Members. |
(None received for this meeting)
Minutes: There were no questions submitted by Members. |