3 Corporate Plan Year-End Position 2022/23 and Complete 4 Year Outturn PDF 210 KB
Key Decision
Councillor Jason Zadrozny – Leader of the Council
Cabinet was requested to consider the delivery of the final year of the current Corporate Plan 2019-2023 and the April 2022 to March 2023 performance position against the Corporate Performance Scorecard. Members were also requested to note the key successes delivered over the four-year period of the Corporate Plan.
Members considered the alternative option of undertaking a light touch refresh of the Council’s Corporate Plan but this was declined in favour of developing a new Corporate Plan for 2023-2027.
a) having reviewed the levels of performance and delivery achieved against the Corporate Plan Priorities and Corporate Scorecard, as at year-end 2022/23, progress be received and noted;
b) it be also noted that development of a new Corporate Plan 2023 – 2027 was currently underway and would be presented to September 2023 Cabinet for approval.
The Council’s ambitions for the period 2019 – 2023 are clearly identified in a
set of revised and updated Corporate Priorities within the Plan which are presented regularly to Cabinet for consideration.