Issue - meetings

Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee (Item 19)

19 Member Induction Programme 2023 pdf icon PDF 146 KB


The Scrutiny Research Officer presented the report and explained the draft format and content of the Member induction and training programme for implementation following the District Council Elections on 4 May 2023.


Having listened to Members’ feedback and suggestions at the last meeting, it was intended to run the programme over 3 days with some training sessions being delivered to smaller groups as requested.  Regular breaks had been incorporated and more of the sessions were to be delivered by external trainers as opposed to officers, again as suggested by Members.


It was intended that the first day (9 May) would be an induction ‘drop in’ session to enable new Members to sign the declarations of office, have their photos taken, collect their IT equipment and complete their HR forms for payment purposes and DBS checks as required.  It would also give new Members the opportunity to meet the Democratic Services Team and Senior Officers as part of the induction process.  It was acknowledged by the Committee that a further evening induction session would be arranged to enable new Members with work commitments to attend.


Three further training days would then follow provisionally on Wednesday, 10 May, Friday, 12 May and Monday 15 May.  Training slots were currently being allocated to service areas across the Council and confirmation had been received that the Local Government Association (LGA) would be in attendance to deliver a session in respect of appropriate Member behaviours and meeting etiquette.


Once the initial induction and training programme was complete, it was intended to arrange further targeted training sessions across the following weeks to impart more in depth knowledge to new Members once they had been appointed to Committees etc.


To enable training providers and Council officers to gain some insight into new Members preferred methods of learning, it was suggested that enabling Members to undertake a Myers-Briggs style of questionnaire to ascertain how their personality affects learning and teaching styles, might enhance the learning experience going forward.



that the draft Member Induction Programme 2023, as detailed within the report, be noted and approved in principle.