60 Anti Social Behaviour Policy PDF 104 KB
Key Decision
Councillor Helen-Ann Smith – Deputy Leader and Executive Lead Member for Community Safety and Crime Reduction
Additional documents:
Cabinet was requested to review and approve the Council’s new Corporate Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and associated procedural guidance.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the new Policy, but this was not recommended as the document complies with Section 218A of the Housing Act 1996 which places a duty on social landlords to publish anti-social behaviour policies and procedures.
a) the work undertaken to ensure lawful compliance and good governance in the management of Anti-Social Behaviour and Neighbourhood Nuisance by the Council, be received and noted;
b) the proposed Corporate Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and associated procedural documents appended to the report, be approved.
The Council does not have an updated corporate policy in line with current legislation, statutory guidance and inter-departmental responsibilities for the management of anti-social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance and environmental crime across the District.