Issue - meetings

Meeting: 21/02/2023 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Key Decision

Councillor David Martin – Deputy Leader and Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits

Additional documents:


Members were requested to consider the Council’s Treasury Management

Strategy for the financial year 2023/24 comprising the following:-


Treasury Management Policy

Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS)

Borrowing Strategy

Annual Investment Strategy

Minimum Revenue Provision Policy

Prudential Indicators and Treasury Management Indicators

Treasury Management Practices: Risk Management.


As it is a requirement of the CIPFA Treasury Management Code for all Local Authorities to have a Treasury Management Strategy (TMS) and a requirement of MHCLG (now DLUHC) Statutory Guidance on Local Government Investments to have an Investment Strategy, Members had no alternative options to consider.



a)    the contents of the Treasury Management Strategy (TMS) for 2023/24, including the changes to the Annual Investment Strategy, as presented be received and noted;


b)    Council be recommended to approve the Treasury Management Policy Statement incorporating the:


·       Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS)

·       Borrowing Strategy

·       Annual Investment Strategy

·       Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy

·       Prudential Indicators and Treasury Management Indicators including new Liability Benchmark indicator

·       Treasury Management Practices: Risk Management which now includes the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) update.



In accordance with Financial Regulation C.31. Cabinet is responsible for providing effective scrutiny of the Treasury Management Strategy and Policies and recommending the same to Council for approval.