11 Revised Procurement Strategy PDF 246 KB
Non-Key Decision
Executive Lead Member
Councillor David Martin – Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits
Additional documents:
a) the revised Procurement Strategy, as appended to the agenda, be approved;
b) delegated authority be granted to the Director for Resources and Business Transformation, in consultation with both the Council’s Monitoring Officer and Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits, to make any further changes to the Strategy until 2023/24, as required.
Cabinet was requested to consider and approve the revised Procurement Strategy.
Members considered the alternative option of maintaining the current strategy however this would result in the document being outdated and incomplete and would fail to deliver the Council’s current messages in terms of its ambitions and what has changed since the strategy was last published.
a) the revised Procurement Strategy, as appended to the agenda, be approved;
b) delegated authority be granted to the Director for Resources and Business Transformation, in consultation with both the Council’s Monitoring Officer and Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits, to make any further changes to the Strategy until 2023/24, as required.
Approval of the revised Procurement Strategy would deliver a more proactive approach to procurement and a clear focus on social and environmental values, and procurement with local businesses. The Procurement Strategy also demonstrated the Council’s commitment to continue to deliver value for money and ensure it retains its commercial focus.
(Following conisderation of this item. Councillor Matthew Relf left the meeting at 12.00 noon.)