Issue - meetings

Meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Local Government Association Recovery & Renewal Panel - Key Reflections pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Non-Key Decision


Executive Lead Member

Councillor Jason Zadrozny – Leader of the Council


Additional documents:



a)    the Local Government Association Recovery and Renewal Panel Key Reflections, as presented, be received, noted and reported to the next meeting of the Council;


b)    the proposed Next Steps, as outlined in the report, be endorsed.


Cabinet was presented with the findings from the Local Government Association (LGA) Recovery and Renewal Panel review which focused on the Council’s current approach and potential future direction of travel in seeking to best support its residents and businesses post the Covid 19 Pandemic.


Members considered the alternative option of declining to acknowledge the Panel’s Key Reflections and/or not integrate these into the Council’s strategic and operational leadership planning but this was not recommended.



a)    the Local Government Association Recovery and Renewal Panel Key Reflections, as presented, be received, noted and reported to the next meeting of the Council;


b)    the proposed Next Steps, as outlined in the report, be endorsed.



In order to endorse the LGA Recovery and Renewal Panel’s findings and to take full advantage of the insight provided by the work undertaken by the LGA with the Council.