Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No



a)    progress against the Scrutiny review recommendations regarding the ongoing cleaning and maintenance of Ashfield’s war memorials, be received and noted;


b)    a budget of £3k per year to carry out a rolling programme of maintenance to War Memorials for which Ashfield District Council is responsible, be approved;


c)    the proposed schedule of maintenance for War Memorials for which Ashfield District Council is responsible, as outlined in the report, be approved;


d)    the War Memorials Community Protocol, as appended to the report, be approved and adopted;


e)    delegated authority be granted to the Director of Place and Communities to approve any cleaning or restoration works to war memorials as required;


f)     approval be given for all 10 war monuments under the Council’s control within the Ashfield District, to be professionally cleaned by the end of October at a cost of £4,780.50 + VAT, in readiness for the 2020 remembrance events.


Report author: Phillip Bennett

Publication date: 13/10/2020

Date of decision: 13/10/2020

Decided at meeting: 13/10/2020 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: