Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


a)    that the current Festival Hall site, Kirkby-in-Ashfield be approved as the preferred site for a new flagship leisure destination.


b)    that the indicative financial business model for the design and construction of the new leisure centre at the existing Festival Hall site, as attached to the officer’s report, be approved.


c)    that a further report be brought back to Cabinet, and subsequently to Council for funding approval after the completion of the tendering process.


d)    that authority be delegated to the Interim Director of Place and Communities, in consultation with Deputy Leader (Inward Focus), to:


                      i.        select a suitable Framework agreement to appoint the professional team for the project;


                    ii.        commission the professional team to undertake design and development work to progress the project through to the end of RIBA Stage 4;


                   iii.        approve the procurement of the leisure centre through the use of a competitive procedure with negotiation, for a Design and Build contract. 




To enable the project to continue to be developed to the next stage. The report included indicative capital and revenue implications. In the longer term the project seeks to deliver revenue savings through an “invest to save” approach resulting in a reduction in revenue costs when the Council retenders the leisure operator contract.




The alternative option of not doing anything was not recommended as the Leisure Facilities Review had allowed the Council to understand the appropriateness of its current leisure stock and future requirements. The provision of an effective facility infrastructure will be central to the successful delivery of the health and wellbeing objectives within the Corporate Plan and to achieving savings through the leisure contract.






Report author: Sarah Daniel

Publication date: 21/01/2019

Date of decision: 21/01/2019

Decided at meeting: 21/01/2019 - Cabinet

Effective from: 29/01/2019

Accompanying Documents: