Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


a)    that the representations made to the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance for converting shops to residential, and the Council’s response in the ‘Consultation Statement’, as required by the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 be noted.


b)    that the Guide for Converting Shops to Residential; Supplementary Planning Document be adopted.




To address the issue of long term vacant retail premises in Ashfield and to provides a mechanism for proprietors to apply for change of use to residential of vacant premises and facilitates and their conversion to a more productive use, enabling and supporting vibrant communities in Ashfield.


The Supplementary Planning Document also provides additional information to the “saved” policies on design in the Ashfield Local Plan Review 2002, in particular Policy ST1 – Development, which states that development must not adversely affect the character, quality, amenity and safety of the environment. 


The guidance also supports the Government’s clear direction to ensure that buildings and places are designed to a high quality.




The option not to adopt the Converting Shops to Residential; Supplementary Planning Document was not recommended as this would not address the issue of long term vacant retail premises in Ashfield.

Report author: Carol Cooper-Smith

Publication date: 21/01/2019

Date of decision: 21/01/2019

Decided at meeting: 21/01/2019 - Cabinet

Effective from: 29/01/2019

Accompanying Documents: