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Register of interests

I, Councillor Sarah Madigan give notification that I and / or my spouse, civil partner or person, with whom I am living as spouse or civil partner, has the following disclosable pecuniary interests

1. Employment, office, trade, profession of vocation
My interests Interest of my Spouse or Partner
2. Sponsorship
My Interests Interests of your Spouse or Partner
3. Contracts
My Interests Interests of your spouse or partner
4. Land
My Interests Interests of your spouse or partner
Council Tenant: 22 Barnes Crescent, Sutton-in-Ashfield, NG17 5BL None
5. Licences
My Interests Interests of your spouse or partner
6. Corporate Tenancies
My Interests Interests of your spouse or partner
7. Securities
My Interests Interests of your spouse or partner
8. Disclosable Personal Interests
My Interests