Your Councillors by Party

The Council is made up of 35 Councillors. They each represent a specific 'Ward' and are elected for a 4 year term to represent and support their constituents and residents with local issues.

They have regular contact with the general public through Council meetings, telephone calls, emails, surgeries and street surgeries. Surgeries provide an opportunity for any resident to go and talk to their Councillor face to face.

Councillors are not paid a salary for their work but they do receive allowances. By law, all Members of the Council are required to complete a Register of Interests Form, the details of which are published on the website.

If you would like further information or assistance please contact the Democratic Services Team on 01623 457317 or email:

To find your Councillor please use the links below:

 Ashfield Independents

 Conservative Party

 Labour Party