Election results for Hucknall North

Hucknall North - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
John Anthony Wilmott Ashfield Independents 2011 23% Elected
Lee Waters Ashfield Independents 1879 21% Elected
Dave Shaw Ashfield Independents 1869 21% Elected
Alice Elisabeth Grice Labour Party 619 7% Not elected
Nat Mason Labour Party 557 6% Not elected
Natalie Rachael Bryan Labour Party 539 6% Not elected
Vicki Charlton Liberal Democrats 309 3% Not elected
Cathryn Georgina Rostance Local Conservatives 281 3% Not elected
James Alan Harvey Liberal Democrats 231 3% Not elected
David Stephen Randall Local Conservatives 216 2% Not elected
Martin Alan Howes Liberal Democrats 196 2% Not elected
Maria Stojak Local Conservatives 192 2% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 8899
Electorate 7985
Number of ballot papers issued 3107
Number of ballot papers rejected 12
Turnout 39%
Share of the votes (%)
John Anthony Wilmott 23% Elected
Lee Waters 21% Elected
Dave Shaw 21% Elected
Alice Elisabeth Grice 7% Not elected
Nat Mason 6% Not elected
Natalie Rachael Bryan 6% Not elected
Vicki Charlton 3% Not elected
Cathryn Georgina Rostance 3% Not elected
James Alan Harvey 3% Not elected
David Stephen Randall 2% Not elected
Martin Alan Howes 2% Not elected
Maria Stojak 2% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty9
For voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to vote for3
Total rejected12