Election results for Carsic

Carsic - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
John Frederick Smallridge Ashfield Independents 708 72% Elected
Cathy Mason Labour Party 241 25% Not elected
John Dobson Local Conservatives 30 3% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 979
Electorate 2743
Number of ballot papers issued 984
Number of ballot papers rejected 9
Turnout 36%
Share of the votes (%)
John Frederick Smallridge 72% Elected
Cathy Mason 25% Not elected
John Dobson 3% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty3
For voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to vote for1
For want of an official mark1
Other Reason4
Total rejected9