
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Council's decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer and executive member decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers or executive members, or previous officer and executive member decisions to view decisions made before November 2016.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Addition of Capita Optimise DRS to existing Capita ONE HOUSING Software Contract ref: 148012/05/202320/05/2023Call-in expired
Renewal and Upgrade of Capita ONE HOUSING Software Contract ref: 147912/05/202320/05/2023Call-in expired
Renewal of Civica (formerly Abritas) Software Contract ref: 147812/05/202320/05/2023Call-in expired
Principle Contractor Appointment - 78-80 High Pavement, Sutton ref: 147627/04/202327/04/2023Not for call-in
Revision of Rent and Lease Terms - Investment Property, Charlecote Pheasant Hotel, Stratford Upon Avon ref: 147320/04/202320/04/2023Not for call-in
Towns Fund Grant Agreement (TF11 & TF02 Portland College) ref: 146121/03/202301/04/2023Call-in expired
Towns Fund Grant Agreement (TF10 Inspire - Main Grant) ref: 146021/03/202331/03/2023Call-in expired
Procurement for the Supply of Materials ref: 145910/03/202325/03/2023Call-in expired
Procurement of Outsourced Procurement Provider Service ref: 145708/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
Council Tax Support Fund 2023/24 ref: 145402/03/202302/03/2023Not for call-in
Procurement of Revenues and Benefits Systems ref: 144928/02/202310/03/2023Call-in expired
Decarbonisation of Council Owned Non Domestic Assets - Appointment of Consultant ref: 144414/02/202322/02/2023Call-in expired
Procurement of an Income Management System - Award ref: 144310/02/202322/02/2023Call-in expired
Towns Fund & Levelling Up Fund: Grant Agreement with Mansfield and Sutton Astronomical Society ref: 144107/02/202317/02/2023Call-in expired
Upgrade to Legal Case Management System ref: 143424/01/202302/02/2023Call-in expired
Security Services at Urban Road ref: 143324/01/202302/02/2023Call-in expired
Towns Fund Grant Agreements ref: 143224/01/202302/02/2023Call-in expired
Housing Refurbishment Partnership Contract 2020-2025: Interim Review ref: 142610/11/202211/01/2023Call-in expired
Provision of Water and Wastewater Services - CCS Framework ref: 141425/11/202207/12/2022Call-in expired
Financial Management System Contract Award ref: 141327/11/202206/12/2022Call-in expired
Carbon Saving Works - Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) Wave 1 - Formalisation ref: 141004/08/202204/08/2022Not for call-in
Appointment of Strategic Asset Management Services - Jones Realty ref: 140511/11/202222/11/2022Call-in expired
Procurement of an Income Management System ref: 138811/10/202220/10/2022Call-in expired
Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) ref: 138315/09/202215/09/2022Not for call-in
Carbon Saving Works to Council Assets - Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund Bid Phase 3b ref: 138129/09/202229/09/2022Not for call-in
Award for the Supply of PPE, Uniform and Janitorial Products ref: 138030/09/202211/10/2022Call-in expired
Administration of Nottinghamshire Rough Sleeper Initiative Funding 2022-25 ref: 137930/09/202211/10/2022Call-in expired
Review of Contract Rates for Repairs and Maintenance Contracts ref: 137627/09/202206/10/2022Call-in expired
Carbon Saving Works to Council Assets – Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2 ref: 136519/07/202203/09/2022Call-in expired
Electronic Document Management Solution Re-Contract ref: 135911/08/202219/08/2022Call-in expired
Lone Worker Management System Procurement ref: 135404/08/202204/08/2022Not for call-in
Interim Solutions Architecture Resources ref: 134514/07/202214/07/2022Not for call-in
Agreement with Focus for UKSPF Support ref: 134208/07/202208/07/2022Not for call-in
Procurement for the Supply of PPE, Uniform and Janitorial Products ref: 134101/07/202214/07/2022Call-in expired
Teversal Community Centre and Recreation Ground (Teversal Grange) (Charity Number 522310) ref: 132821/06/202221/06/2022Not for call-in
Corporate Plan, Strategic Direction Refresh and Year End Position 2021/22 ref: 132521/06/202221/06/2022Not for call-in
Climate Change Strategy ref: 133121/06/202221/06/2022Not for call-in
Funding Update and Land Acquisition. ref: 133221/06/202221/06/2022Not for call-in
Procurement of Planned Maintenance Contracts commencing 2023/24 ref: 131426/05/202208/06/2022Call-in expired
Renewal of Planning Software Contract ref: 129903/05/202203/05/2022Not for call-in