This register of interests was published on Wednesday, 21st June, 2023, 11.50 am.
I, Sue Jackson give notification that I and / or my spouse, civil partner or person, with whom I am living as spouse or civil partner, has the following disclosable pecuniary interests
1. Employment, office, trade, profession of vocation
My interests |
Interest of my Spouse or Partner |
None | None |
2. Sponsorship
My Interests |
Interests of your Spouse or Partner |
None | None |
3. Contracts
My Interests |
Interests of your spouse or partner |
None | None |
4. Land
My Interests |
Interests of your spouse or partner |
19 Derbyshire Drive, Westwood, Notts, NG16 5HQ |
None |
5. Licences
My Interests |
Interests of your spouse or partner |
None | None |
6. Corporate Tenancies
My Interests |
Interests of your spouse or partner |
None | None |
7. Securities
My Interests |
Interests of your spouse or partner |
None | None |