Agenda item

The Executive Lead Member for Growth, Regeneration, and Local Planning to provide Committee with an update on activity within their portfolio, with a question-and-answer session to follow.



The Chairman welcomed Councillor Matthew Relf, the Council’s Executive Lead Member for Growth, Regeneration and Local Planning, to the meeting.  Councillor Relf was in attendance to give Members an update in respect of activity within his portfolio particularly focussing on progress against current funded programmes.


Automated Distribution and Manufacturing Centre (ADMC)

This centrepiece facility would assist businesses with understanding automation and its application.  As a centre for skills training, Nottingham Trent University and West Nottinghamshire College were already involved with its development.  Construction was due to start in January 2025 with completion around February 2026.   Showcase events were currently being arranged to promote the new centre and engage with potential customers.


Ashfield Construction Centre

Negotiations for the purchase of a commercial building in Sutton town centre were being finalised with the lease with Vison West Notts college being completed alongside the site purchase.  The college would then be taking occupation to deliver construction skills to students.  Rather than a café within the centre, it was hoped that a food voucher scheme could be adopted to enable student spend to contribute to the town centre’s economy.


Ashfield Civil Engineering Centre

This centre would be providing West Nottinghamshire College students with plant and rail training and was to be located at the Council’s Northern Depot site. The interdependency with the Council’s redevelopment of the Depot had initially slowed the project down but a review was now being carried out to develop a sequencing plan to enable progression.  It was envisaged that the project would be completed at the end of 2025.


Enterprising Ashfield

This project, fulfilled by Nottingham Trent University, had a challenging start but the course programmes were now being delivered effectively.


High Pavement House

Renovation work at the site was now complete and flexible office spaces were available for rent.  Inspire was now fully in occupation and delivering their training programmes.  Difficulties developing the governance structure for the MakerSpace area had caused delays, but temporary arrangements were now in place to hopefully enable the space to open in early 2025.  Take up of the smaller office spaces was going well but advertisement of the lettings could be better.


Cornerstone Theatre

The project was currently in its construction phase and the new theatre would be providing changing facilities, tiered seating arrangements, a high quality sound system and a foyer bar.  The original plan to have a fully functional front entrance could not be completed but the entrance would be in use after school and at weekends.  It weas hoped that works would be completed in early 2025.


9-11 Low Street

Contract work had finally been completed following delays with electrical and water connections. A prior approval notice had been submitted to the planning authority by ATTFE to enable education use within the building and heads of terms were now agreed.  Two first floor flats were also now ready for occupation.


Fox Street

Contractors were now on site developing a new car park and infrastructure for an events/markets space.  This development was tied into the new Portland Square redevelopment and once completed would offer customers a greater line of sight and improvement access/flow through to the town centre.  The current taxi rank on Fox Street would remain in the same position.


Portland Square Redevelopment

Work had commenced on the green hub as part of the redevelopment of Portland Square.  The green hub comprised of two large lozenge shaped raised areas of beds, trees and integrated seating around the edges. Development around the retail units would be providing sufficient pavement space to encourage an outdoor presence for future nighttime economy.


Science Discovery Centre and Planetarium

Site work was now almost complete with handover from the contractor taking

place on 15 November. The facilities were due to officially open to the public in January 2025, but a soft launch was taking place in December for Members and stakeholders etc. 


Kings Mill Reservoir Leisure Development

The construction of the building and external works was now complete. The Council was currently reviewing proposals from potential operators for the

building and progressing a licence agreement to enable the Sea Cadets to

operate from the facilities.  Appointment of the operator was due to be completed by the end of the year.


North Kirkby Gateway

The conveyancing to purchase the former factory property was underway and the Pond Hole sale was also progressing with proposals to provide a care home facility. Designs were being developed to integrate the site with the Plaza and Ellis Street, with a completion date set for around March 2026.


West Kirkby Gateway and Public Transport Hub

Demolition of the former Wyvern Social Club was imminent, and work was progressing to decide upon the best use of the site going forward.


Kirkby and Sutton Sports Hubs    

Work was on track to provide new sporting facilities and upgrades at Kingsway Park and Sutton Lawn.


Discover Ashfield Website Upgrade

The new website was now live and additional content was currently in development.


Cycling and Walking Routes

Work was progressing and the Council was currently liaising with the County Council to develop a suitable cycling and walking network for Sutton and Kirkby.


Library Innovation Centres

The innovation centre at Kirkby was now complete but the Sutton development had been delayed due to the project needing to dovetail into the County Council’s investment plans for the library.


Hucknall Levelling Up Fund

The Council was informed on 30th October that the new Government had reached the provisional conclusion to withdraw the funding of £9,281,283 awarded to Hucknall.  Prior to reaching a final decision however, views were being sought from those affected to fully understand the impact of withdrawing the funding. The Council was required to submit a consultation response by 9 December 2024.


Following the update, a question and answer session took place.  On conclusion of the discussion the Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Councillor Relf for his worthwhile and insightful update in respect of his portfolio activity.



that the Executive Lead Member update in respect of the Growth, Regeneration and Local Planning portfolio, be received and duly noted.