Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 18 November 2024, be received and approved as a correct record. |
Redesignation of the Teversal, Stanton Hill and Skegby Neighbourhood Forum PDF 420 KB Key Decision Councillor Matthew Relf – Executive Lead Member for Growth, Regeneration and Local Planning Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet was requested to consider the application for the redesignation of the Teversal, Stanton Hill and Skegby Neighbourhood Forum.
Andrew Jenkins, the Forum’s Chairman, attended the meeting and took the opportunity to thank the Cabinet for their favourable consideration of the matter before them. He advised Members as to the continuing work of the Forum and their involvement in many community based projects around the area. He commented on the wonderful work of local volunteers and the very positive relationship that had been forged with Ashfield District Council since the Forum’s inception.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the redesignation of the Forum, but this was not recommended as the Forum was a “relevant body” and had met all legislative requirements. Members had also considered all the evidence submitted by the Forum as well as the representations received as part of the consultation exercise.
RESOLVED that in accordance with the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, as amended, the Teversal, Stanton Hill and Skegby Neighbourhood Forum in relation to the Teversal, Stanton Hill and Skegby Neighbourhood Area, be redesignated to take effect from 27 January 2025.
Reason: National planning policy places an emphasis on neighbourhood planning and local councils facilitating neighbourhood planning. The Forum has brought forward the Teversal, Stanton Hill and Skegby Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031, which forms part of the Council’s Local Development Plan. They are an active Forum which sets out to represent the views of the local community. |
Select Review: No Mow May Campaign PDF 16 MB Principal Select Committee Chairman/Vice Chairman Councillor Kier Barsby Councillor Julie Gregory Minutes: The Service Manager for Governance presented Cabinet with four recommendations formulated by the Principal Select Committee in respect of the Council’s future involvement with the No Mow May campaign.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the recommendations as presented.
RESOLVED that a) approval be given to designate suitable sites at the locations identified within the report to enable the Council to actively participate in the 2025 No Mow May Campaign;
b) suitable sites be selected (from those designated) as trial locations for wildflower sewing throughout and beyond No Mow May in 2025;
c) landowners and green space managers across the District be encouraged to participate in the 2025 No Mow May Campaign;
d) it be agreed that a suitable communications strategy be in place ahead of No Mow May, to raise public awareness of the 2025 campaign and how the Council is taking part to support biodiversity across the District.
Reason: No Mow May has been a topic under consideration by the Principal Select Committee since 2023. The Committee originally made recommendations to Cabinet for the 2024 campaign and have since reflected on the successes and challenges faced in 2024 to put forward refreshed recommendations. |
Automated Distribution and Manufacturing Centre (ADMC) PDF 110 KB Key Decision Councillor Rachel Madden - Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits Minutes: Cabinet was updated on the progress of the Automated Distribution and Manufacturing Centre (ADMC) project and asked to approve the proposed organisational structure, whilst noting the external legal advice received in relation to the organisational structure and subsidy control issues.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the proposed organisational structure and public procurement process for the project, but this was not recommended as ADMC is a major part of the Council’s regeneration plans for the District.
RESOLVED that a) progress in relation to the ADMC project and associated land acquisition, be received and noted;
b) the external legal advice received in relation to the proposed organisational structure and subsidy control issues for the ADMC project, be also noted;
c) the proposed organisational structure for the ADMC project, be approved;
d) approval be given to carry out a public procurement procedure to appoint an external management company to provide management services and run the ADMC, subject to there being a sufficient market of potential operators;
e) the Executive Director Place be authorised, in consultation with the Executive Director Governance, Corporate Resources Director and Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenue and Benefits, to award the contract to the successful bidder once the public procurement procedure has been concluded;
f) should there be an insufficient market of suitable operators through the public procurement process, the Executive Director Place be authorised, in consultation with the Executive Director Governance, Corporate Resources Director and Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenue and Benefits to revisit the options for the organisational structure and implement an alternative.
Reason: To ensure that Cabinet is kept updated on the ADMC project and to seek Cabinet’s approval of the proposed organisational structure and to carry out a public procurement procedure to appoint an external management company to provide management services and run the ADMC.
Corporate Plan Delivery - Quarter 2 2024/2025 PDF 189 KB Key Decision Councillor Jason Zadrozny – Leader of the Council Minutes: Cabinet was updated regarding progress against delivery of the Corporate Plan 2023-2027 including the April to September 2024 performance position against the associated Corporate Performance Scorecard.
As the report was presented for information only, there were no alternative options for Members to consider.
RESOLVED that a) the levels of delivery achieved against the Corporate Plan Priorities, as outlined in the report, be received and noted;
b) the levels of performance achieved against the Corporate Scorecard as of September 2024, as presented, be also noted.
Reason: To ensure Members are aware of the Council’s ambitions for the next four years, as clearly identified in the revised set of updated Corporate Priorities as presented in the Corporate Plan. |
Corporate Risk- Quarter 2 Position 2024/2025 PDF 121 KB Non-Key Decision Councillor Jason Zadrozny – Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet was requested to review the Corporate Risk Register, the analysis of movement in risk and any mitigating actions in respect of those risks.
As the report was presented for information only, there were no alternative options for Members to consider.
RESOLVED that the current significant items on the Corporate Risk Register, as presented, be received and noted.
Reason: To prioritise and manage the mitigation of Risk in order that the Council can achieve its objectives. |
Central Midlands Audit Partnership - Partnership Extension PDF 141 KB Key Decision Councillor Vicki Heslop – Executive Lead Member for Governance Minutes: Cabinet was requested to consider the extension of the Council’s partnership arrangement for Internal Audit services with the Central Midlands Audit Partnership (CMAP) for a further 5 years.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to extend the partnership but it was not recommended as it has proven to be successful and all existing Partners were intending, subject to their own approval processes, to extend their membership of CMAP.
RESOLVED that a) the extension of the Council’s partnership arrangement for Internal Audit services with the Central Midlands Audit Partnership (CMAP) for a further 5 years, be approved;
b) delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director of Governance (Monitoring Officer), in consultation with the Executive Lead Member for Governance, to finalise and approve the terms of a revised Partnership Agreement;
c) delegated authority be further granted to the Executive Director of Governance (Monitoring Officer), in consultation with the Executive Lead Member for Governance, to finalise, approve and sign an Information Management Agreement and Data Sharing Agreement (as required) between the members of the Partnership.
Reasons: 1. The Cabinet approved the Council joining CMAP commencing on 1 January 2016 for a term ending on 31 March 2020. The partnership provision was extended in April 2020 following a Cabinet decision (24 February 2020, min. ref. CA.54) for a further 5 years ending on 31 March 2025.
2. The Partnership arrangement has proven to be a successful, resilient, sustainable and cost effective internal audit provision and the recommendation seeks to extend the Partnership for a further 5 years.
3. The Partnership Agreement requires some minor amendments to bring it up to date and by entering into an Information Management Agreement and/or Data Sharing Agreement the Council and the Partnership will ensure compliance with data protection requirements. 4. |
Sutton-In-Ashfield Recreation Grounds 2006 Charitable Trust PDF 122 KB Key Decision Councillor Vicki Heslop - Executive Lead Member for Governance Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet was updated on the current position relating to the Sutton-in-Ashfield Recreation Grounds 2006 Charitable Trust, asked to note that the necessary notification in relation to disposal of land at Sutton Lawn Recreation Ground had taken place and to re-confirm the proposed exchange of land.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to proceed with the land exchange but this was not recommended as it would result in serious consequences for the Council and the Charitable Trust.
RESOLVED that a) the objections and responses outlined within this report in relation to the notification of disposal of land forming public open space at Sutton Lawn Recreation Ground in accordance with section 123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972, be acknowledged and duly considered;
b) the land exchange between the Council and the Sutton-in-Ashfield Recreation Grounds 2006 Charitable Trust be reconfirmed, whereby the Council receives the part of the Lammas Recreation Ground identified in plan A attached from the Sutton-in-Ashfield Recreation Grounds 2006 Charitable Trust and disposes of the part of Sutton Lawn Recreation Ground identified in plan B attached to the Sutton-in-Ashfield Recreation Grounds 2006 Charitable Trust;
c) the Executive Director Governance be authorised to complete the necessary land ownership adjustments, in consultation with the Executive Lead Member, and carry out any other consequential legal formalities once The Charity Commission have provided consent to complete the land exchange. c) Reason: The land exchange is the final step necessary in order to release part of the Lammas Recreation Ground from the Charitable Trust to which it is subject and to impose Charitable Trust restrictions upon part of the Sutton Lawn Recreation Ground. |
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) – Update PDF 86 KB Non-Key Decision Councillor Vicki Heslop – Executive Lead Member for Governance Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet received an update on the use of the Council’s Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) Policy during the past 3 years.
As the report presented was for information purposes only, there were no alternative options for Members to consider.
RESOLVED that the following be noted and adopted accordingly:
a) that the Council has not authorised any Directed Surveillance in the past 3 years pursuant to the RIPA powers;
b) the minor amendments to the Policy;
c) that refresher staff training on RIPA powers will be offered in 2025.
Reasons: 1. An update report was presented to Cabinet in January 2024. The current Code of Practice and Council Policy requires that Members are updated on RIPA authorisations on an annual basis. This report complies with that requirement.
2. The Policy should also be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains up to date and fit for purpose. The Policy was reviewed, and minor amendments were made to the Policy in January 2024 to reflect changes in job titles for authorising officers (Executive Directors) and also for the Assistant Director, Legal. |