Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: The Chairman introduced himself and asked the Committee Members, Officers and those parties present to introduce themselves.
In attendance were Mr. David Fewster (Premise Licence Holder) and Mr. Paul Oldnall (in support of the Premise Licence Holder) and Mrs. Amanda Stevenson (Review Applicant).
The Chairman explained the procedure to be adopted throughout the duration of the hearing.
The Licensing Team Leader then proceeded to outline the application for review of a premises licence.
The Chairman then invited the Review Applicant, Mrs. Amanda Stevenson to put forward her concerns in relation to the running of the licenced premises to the Sub Committee. Following this and in accordance with adopted procedure, the Premise Licence Holder, the Sub Committee Members and the Legal Officer were offered the opportunity to ask questions of the Review Applicant for the purposes of lucidity and further explanation.
The Premise Licence Holder was then invited to put forward to the Sub Committee his response to the concerns raised by the Review Applicant. Following this and in accordance with adopted procedure the Review Applicant, the Sub Committee Members and the Legal Officer were offered the opportunity to ask questions of the Premise Licence Holder for the purposes of lucidity and further explanation.
At this point in the proceedings the Review Applicant requested that a noise recording be listened to by all present at the hearing and submitted as further evidence for the review. Having been put to all parties it was agreed that submission of the recording evidence would be acceptable. All present at the meeting then proceeded to listen to the evidence presented.
Finally, the Chairman invited the Review Applicants and Premise Licence Holder to sum up their respective cases.
The Chairman and Members of the Sub Committee then withdrew from the hearing in order to deliberate upon the review application and representations made in respect of it.
The hearing was adjourned at 10.55 a.m.
The Chairman and the Sub Committee Members subsequently returned to the room and the hearing was reconvened at 11.20 a.m.
The Legal Officer delivered the Sub Committee’s findings, the decision and the reasons as follows:-
The Sub Committee had taken into account the evidence put before it at the hearing and also taken into account the contents of the application and written representations.
RESOLVED that the decision of the Licensing Sub Committee (in exercise of its powers delegated by Ashfield District Council as Licensing Authority) is to permanently modify the conditions of the licence/certificate by adding the following conditions:
a) the cigarette receptacles provided for customers shall be moved and relocated on the Yorke Street side of the premises;
b) from 31st May, 2019, windows fitted to the premises that open on to West Street shall be closed from 19:00 hours each day;
c) a soft closing system shall be fitted to the main entrance door, and the door shall not be left open at any time, save for immediate entrance and egress.
The Panel carefully considered all of the ... view the full minutes text for item LSC.7 |