Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield

Contact: Lynn Cain  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests


There were no declarations of interest made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 202 KB



that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 15th September, 2016, be received and approved as a correct record.


Licensing Authority Activity Report: 2017 Calendar Year pdf icon PDF 233 KB


Committee were informed as to progress made by the Licencing Team in relation to the carrying out of its licensing functions during the 2017 calendar year.


Information was provided to Members in relation to the following:-


·         an outline of Licensing Functions and the corresponding legislation;

·         data regarding new licences/registration applications received and processed by the Authority;

·         The Licensing Authority’s current financial position;

·         reasons for the upturn in applications and income;

·         licenced premises mapping, risk assessments and compliance  and enforcement data;

·         number of enforcement actions taken in 2017 across the Licensing Function including snapshots of serious cases of concern;

·         Licensing Sub Committee cases and outcomes;

·         Officer Decision Records (ODR’s) completed;

·         Appeals made to the Licensing Authority;

·         Notable Achievements;

·         Future work programme for the Licensing Team.


Members took the opportunity to debate the duties undertaken by the Licencing Team during the 2017 calendar year and discussed various issues including:-


·         utilising robust enforcement measures was sending out the right message that the Council expects high standards of vehicle safety;


·         the methods adopted to encourage applications, improve income and provide a period of stability and reassurance for customers;


·         concerns regarding the lack of wheelchair provision in taxis and private hire vehicles;


·         licensing restrictions for mini cabs and their preferred areas for business (i.e. larger towns and cities);


·         public awareness of the differences between mini cabs, private hire and hackney carriage vehicles and their differing restrictions on trade.



that the progress report, as presented, be received and noted.



The report covers data on service volumes; details of licensing hearing decisions; decisions made under delegated powers; information on volumes of applications and enforcement activities.


The report also details the programmes of modernisation that have been put in to effect since December 2016, and the future workings of the Authority, in order for Members to provide feedback to the Licensing Team Leader.





Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Additional documents:


Committee were asked to consider the modernisation of conditions attached to the granting of licences issued to drivers, proprietors and operators of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles in order to promote a professional and customer focused licensed trade.  The report also sought to reduce the financial costs incurred by those seeking to provide licensed vehicles and to address the long term objective of reducing vehicle pollution across the District.


Committee were asked to consider some amendments to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire (Dual) Driver Licence: Conditions, as detailed at Appendix One, which affected paragraphs 66 to 84 shown on pages 31 and 32 of the agenda.



a)    the proposed conditions to be attached to the granting of Driver, Vehicle and Operator Licences, as outlined in the report, be approved subject to paragraphs 66 to 84 of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire (Dual) Driver Licence: Conditions (shown at Appendix One) being replaced with the following:-


66 TheDriver shall notwhilstdrivingorin chargeofa PrivateHireVehicle parkonany taxirank whether within or outside of the Ashfield District Council area.


67.    The Driver shall not whilst driving or in charge of a Hackney Carriage Vehicle park on any taxi rank outside of the Ashfield District Council area.


68 TheDriver of a vehicleequippedwitha taximetershall ensurethat the table of fares (whether that be the Hackney Carriage Statement of Fares & Charges as issued by Ashfield District Council, or the Table of Fares as issued by the Private Hire Operator) is displayed ina clearly visible positionin thevehicle,provideanexplanationof the tableof faresif so requestedbythepassenger, and made available upon request to any Authorised Officer.


69 TheDriver shallwhendrivinga vehicleequipped witha taxi-meter ensure that duringany hiringthefa  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.