Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield. View directions
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 15 November 2022, be received and approved as a correct record. |
Cabinet Decision 13 December 2022: Scenario 2 Minutes: The Forward Planning & Economic Growth Team Manager advised the Panel of Cabinet’s decision in relation to the Emerging Local Plan – Next Steps report, considered at its 13 December 2022 meeting as follows:
“RESOLVED that having considered the implications of the third scenario as presented to Cabinet, approval be given to take forward the following housing requirement reflecting Scenario 2 (as set out in the Local Plan Development Panel report of 15 November 2022) plus three additional recommendations (as agreed by the Panel at the same meeting):
· to reflect the standard method of housing need;
· to provide a minimum of a 10-year housing supply;
· new settlements in the Green Belt (Whyburn Farm) and Cauldwell Road being removed from the emerging Local Plan going forward;
· Strategic Policy S3 Location of Development being reviewed to include a spatial strategy within the Policy;
· SHELAA (SJU043) adjacent to an existing allocation at Underwood H1vg Land North of Larch Close, being included in the emerging Local Plan;
· changes being made to the Main Urban Area boundary at Skegby, subject to a masterplan/design brief being developed to protect the setting of the listed building at Dalestorth House.”
(During consideration of this item, Councillor Matthew Relf entered the meeting at 11.09am.)
Open Consultation Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to National Planning Policy Minutes: The Council’s Planning Officer presented the item and advised Members that a public consultation exercise was currently running in respect of the content of the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill. Members were encouraged to submit their comments/views by the deadline date of 2 March 2023.
Planning Officers were due to meet with the Planning Inspectorate in early February to consider current arrangements and potential changes should the Bill receive Royal Assent, in respect of the Council’s Emerging Local Plan.
To conclude, it was welcomed that the Council’s progress in respect of the Emerging Local Plan was still aligning with the direction of travel of Government and its proposals for Planning reform.
AGREED that the information as presented, be received and noted. |
Evidence Base Update PDF 152 KB Minutes: The Council’s Planning Officers presented the update to Members in respect of the following studies and assessments:
Transport Study Work was continuing in conjunction with Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) in respect of implications arising from transport development proposals and any mitigations required. Concerns were raised in respect of local bus companies recently cancelling much needed bus services and whether this decline in provision would be reflected accurately in the study.
Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) Development sites were being assessed to identify if any potential harm could befall any designated or non-designated heritage assets. Currently 44 sites had been looked at with 12 being shortlisted as priority sites for more in depth examination.
Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) An assessment to screen for any development effects on international habitat sites although none were currently located within Ashfield. Members were advised that the Council must take into consideration possible potential special protection areas with regard to certain bird species. Draft policies in the Emerging Local Plan would assist in the consideration of planning applications with regard to significant habitats.
Whole Plan Viability Assessment An assessment to ensure the Emerging Local Plan would be capable of delivering whilst ensuring a viable mix of affordable housing and infrastructure. The document would be setting out basic assumptions made on various cost inputs from a strategic overview standpoint.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan The document will consider and evidence the physical, social and green infrastructure to provide support for the Emerging Local Plan.
Sustainability Appraisal (SA) A legally required appraisal to inform the approach to the Local Plan as an ongoing process.
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Flood risk assessment must be undertaken when considering design and location of development. The Council was keen to work with developers at an early stage to ensure consideration is given to all flood risk mitigation techniques at an early stage.
Statement of Common Ground The Statement would be produced in line with legal and national policy requirements and would demonstrate that the Local Plan is based on effective and ongoing cooperation with other Councils and infrastructure providers.
Retail Study Due to the last study being undertaken in 2016, a new study was being commissioned to consider opportunities within the changing retail environment and to ensure alignment with the Council’s aspirations.
Brownfield Analysis Additional work to be undertaken to confirm that no significant brownfield land is available in suitable locations within the District.
Background Papers Officers were currently updating background papers in response to Scenario 2 as approved by Cabinet.
AGREED that the update be received and noted.
(During consideration of this item, Councillor Jason Zadrozny entered the meeting at 11.24am and left at 11.45am.) |
Regulation 19 Consultation Strategy PDF 106 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members were advised that the next stage in the Local Plan development process was to undertake the Regulation 19 Consultation. The consultation would run for a minimum of six weeks and would be more limited as reflected in the consultation methods being utilised.
Any responses received during the consultation would be considered solely by the Planning Inspector and not the Council.
AGREED that the arrangements for undertaking the Regulation 19 Consultation Strategy, as presented, be received and noted. |
Draft Developer Guide to Biodiversity and Nature Conservation PDF 99 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Forward Planning & Economic Growth Team Manager presented the draft Developer Guide to Biodiversity and Nature Conservation and asked Members to review its content prior to its consideration by Cabinet. AGREED that the draft Developer Guide to Biodiversity and Nature Conservation, as appended to the report, be recommended to Cabinet for approval. |