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Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: The Assistant Director, Planning and Regulatory Services gave an update presentation and firstly advised that work on the Local Plan was currently paused whilst a response was awaited from Government regarding comments made in a previous Prime Minister’s speech regarding development on greenbelt land.
Members were updated in relation to national policy housing need and standard method implications, brownfield sites and recent correspondence with neighbouring authorities regarding possible sharing of housing need. It was also acknowledged that in relation to employment land, there was significant regional demand for logistics along the M1 corridor in Nottinghamshire.
AGREED that the update in relation to development of the Draft Local Plan, be received and noted.
(Following this item, Councillor Keir Morrison asked that his previous objection to building on Green Belt land be duly recorded.) |
Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill Minutes: The Assistant Director, Planning and Regulatory Services gave an outline of the content of the Government’s Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill and the policy paper regarding Levelling Up and Regeneration but advised that much of the final detail would come through via secondary legislation i.e. Regulations.
The Panel also considered the proposed timetable, set out in the Bill, for developing and producing a Local Plan.
AGREED that the update regarding the Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill, as presented, be received and noted.
Draft Hucknall Town Centre Masterplan Consultation Minutes: The Assistant Director, Planning and Regulatory Services presented the report and advised, following the consultation exercise, that 42 representations and 1 late comment had been received of which 33 responses specifically addressed the consultation questions.
The Masterplan was intended to be a high-level guide for development, setting out broad over-arching principles. It was also anticipated that it would be used to underpin any future funding bids for Hucknall.
The majority of responses were in support of the Masterplan and Members went through the range and types of responses received.
To conclude the Panel acknowledged that a full and detailed report for adoption of the Masterplan was due to be submitted to Cabinet on 19 July 2022.
AGREED that the outcomes of the Draft Hucknall Town Centre Masterplan consultation exercise, be received, noted and welcomed. |
Local Plan Evidence Base Studies Update · Nottinghamshire Core & Outer HMA Logistics Study. · Greater Nottingham First Homes Assessment.
Minutes: The Forward Planning Officer presented the item in relation to two additional evidence base studies which were nearing completion, First Homes and a Logistics Study. The studies had been commissioned along with some of the Council’s neighbouring authorities to share the cost and the subsequent workload.
Members were taken through the draft results of both studies with key areas being highlighted and discussed as appropriate.
AGREED that the draft outcomes of the First Homes and Logistics Evidence Base Studies, as presented, be received and noted.