Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 12 November 2020, be received and approved as a correct record. |
Scrutiny Review: Climate Change Minutes: The Chairman introduced the item and reminded Members that the review had commenced in November 2020. An informal meeting of the Group had taken place the previous week, on 20 January 2021, to consider some of the Council’s recent initiatives for tackling climate change and reducing the Council’s carbon emissions.
The Council’s Assistant Director for Assets and Investment, Ian Bailey and the Strategic Assets Manager, Darren Wardale were in attendance at the meeting to advise on how the Council was co-ordinating its approach to climate change across its many teams and service areas. Councillor Daniel Williamson, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Communications, Governance & Cross Portfolio Support was also in attendance to give an overview of the ruling Group’s commitments in relation to climate change.
The Scrutiny Research Officer spoke to the Panel and informed Members that the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) had recently publicised a briefing paper regarding how local authorities could best review climate change at a local level. It was acknowledged that the topic was far-reaching and it was in Member’s interests to wisely select and focus upon areas of climate change that they could influence at a local level and offer sound, tangible recommendations to Cabinet for consideration.
Some of the questions/suggestions for Members to consider as part of the CfPS briefing paper included the following:
· how the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted any current commitments for reducing carbon emissions; · how to select pertinent, workable themes for review; · the importance of gathering base level data to inform discussion; · to endeavour to secure senior management buy-in to the importance of the review and subsequent recommendations; · to engage fully with local communities including children through school educational programmes; · to stay focussed on realistic recommendations with real value for money and impact for the local area rather than producing a wish list for global change.
Carbon Reduction Commitment – Current Picture To enable Members to get a picture of the Council’s current commitment towards climate change and reducing its carbon emissions, a presentation was given by the Assistant Director for Assets and Investment.
The Council had been committed to climate change for some time and was very aware of its importance and the need for a consistent, proactive response to reducing emissions. All decision-making processes within the Council now included a section to be completed in relation to environmental impact and a Climate Change Working Group had been operational for around a year to enable officers to consider all aspects of Council delivery against the backdrop of its effect on climate change.
Senior officers from the Planning, Waste, Environmental, Energy, Finance and Housing Teams were part of the Working Group and considered issues alongside other partners including the Local Enterprise Partnership, Midlands Energy Hub, Nottinghamshire County Council and Derby City Council.
Nottingham City Council were currently in the process of producing a Carbon Management Plan and were currently gathering baseline data and the latest available information regarding CO2 emissions arising from buildings, street lighting, transport, waste and procurement, amongst ... view the full minutes text for item SB.12 |