Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 15 October 2020, be received and approved as a correct record. |
Scrutiny Review: Climate Change Minutes: The Chairman introduced the report and the new review topic in relation to climate change. It was intended that the meeting would open up any initial discussions in relation to the climate change agenda and enable the Panel to set the terms of reference for the review as appropriate.
The Scrutiny Research Officer reminded the Panel that Council had originally announced that it would be setting up a Climate Change Commission following consideration of a climate emergency motion at a Council meeting in July 2019. However due to a number of difficult challenges over the previous 12 months including the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been agreed to facilitate the review through a Scrutiny Panel instead.
The report attached to the agenda offered some introductory information including:
· the definition of climate change; · the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities and commitment towards the cleaner and greener agenda; · the Council’s actions thus far in reducing its carbon footprint; · the outcomes from the 2019 employee survey regarding climate change mitigation.
The Corporate Plan outlined numerous key projects, programmes, and initiatives to be implemented within the next four years and reinforced the Council’s goals and ambitions regarding climate change, along with any strategies and policies that were already in place.
It was now for Members to decide from a plethora of climate change considerations to choose what the Panel’s focus would be. Once established, relevant officers would be invited to attend the meetings to offer insight and guidance to facilitate the review as appropriate.
The Service Manager, Scrutiny and Democratic Services reiterated the fact that the subject of climate change was far reaching and covered a wide range of equally important topics to consider. It was therefore important that the Panel chose an area of focus that it could realistically hope to influence and would add real value to the Council’s ongoing commitment towards climate change and mitigation.
It was also acknowledged that the Council worked with many partners that were also committed to reducing their carbon footprint and the remit of the review could include how climate change was being tackled simultaneously on a partnership level.
At this point in the proceedings, the Chairman introduced Arran Rangi from Green New Deal UK. Due to growing concerns around climate breakdown, the non-profit organisation was committed to lobbying government to step up and deliver a game-changing plan for health, for jobs and for climate action.
Mr. Rangi introduced himself and commented that it was great to see the Council taking action and with the District being traditionally shaped by industry and mining, it would be a great opportunity for Ashfield to be a forerunner and set a good example for climate change mitigation within the public sector.
Green New Deal UK was about decarbonising the UK, creating secure jobs, transforming the economy, protecting and restoring habitats and wild areas and promoting global justice.
Education at school age was a powerful tool to begin addressing climate issues and it was suggested that the Council could engage with local ... view the full minutes text for item SB.9 |