Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests Minutes: 1. Councillor Jason Zadrozny declared a Non-Registrable Interest in relation to application V/2024/0377, Mr I Benzer, Change of Use of Ground Floor From Shop (Use Class E) to Hot Food Takeaway, Installation of Flue to Rear and Associated Internal Works, 8 Church Street, Kirkby in Ashfield. His interest arose from the fact that he had previously spoken with the applicant and some objectors, but in doing so had not expressed any opinions on the application at any point.
2. Councillors Arnie Hankin and Jason Zadrozny declared Non-Registrable Interests in relation to application V/2022/0246, Garner Holdings and Trustees of Major RP Chaworth Musters 1990 Discretionary Settlement and Exors of Major RP Chaworth Musters, Grant consent Application Made in Accordance with the Town and Country planning (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations) 2017: Hybrid Planning Application Comprising: Full Application for a B2/B8 Unit with Associated Access, Parking, Drainage Infrastructure and Landscaping; and Outline Application for up to 4no. B2/B8 Units (With Point of Access and Scale Included), Land Adjacent to Junction 27 of the M1, Mansfield Road, Annesley.
Their interests had arisen from the fact that they had previously spoken with both the applicant and officers and their intentions were to speak on the matter, prior to leaving the room for the duration of the discussion and voting thereon.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 25 September and 14 October 2024, be received and approved as correct records. |
Remedial Works at 10 Thoresby Dale, Hucknall Minutes: Members were advised of work undertaken by officers to secure remedial works to an unauthorised extension to the front of 10 Thoresby Dale, Hucknall.
RESOLVED that the report be received and noted. |
Planning Appeal Decisions Minutes: Members were asked to note the recent Planning Appeal decisions as outlined in the report.
RESOLVED that the report be received and noted. |
Town and Country Planning Act 1990: Town Planning Applications Requiring Decisions Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. V/2022/0246, Garner Holdings and Trustees of Major RP Chaworth Musters 1990 Discretionary Settlement and Exors of Major RP Chaworth Musters, Grant consent Application Made in Accordance with the Town and Country planning (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations) 2017: Hybrid Planning Application Comprising: Full Application for a B2/B8 Unit with Associated Access, Parking, Drainage Infrastructure and Landscaping; and Outline Application for up to 4no. B2/B8 Units (With Point of Access and Scale Included), Land Adjacent to Junction 27 of the M1, Mansfield Road, Annesley
(In accordance with the Council’s Constitution and the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillors Arnie Hankin and Jason Zadrozny had previously declared interests in respect of this application. Their interests were such that they addressed the Committee before leaving the room and taking no part in the discussion and voting thereon.)
Late Items In accordance with the Council’s Policy for dealing with late matters in relation to planning applications, (Minute No. D4.17, 1993/94 refers), officers proceeded to give a verbal report as to additional comments received in relation to the application as follows:-
Since publication of the agenda, the Highways Authority had requested deferral of the application as there were various highway matters still unresolved. Planning officers supported this deferral request, but the Agent for the Applicant had indicated his wish for determination of the application to continue.
Member were advised that should the application be determined, it would be referred to the Secretary of State, as per the prescribed process due to the location of the site being located within Greenbelt.
At this point in the proceedings, it was moved and seconded that the application be heard and determined accordingly.
Late Item – Agent’s Responses (continued) The Agent for the Applicant advised that the Applicant had no issues with making highways contributions as part of the application but they had been trying to enter into meaningful discussions with Nottinghamshire County Council, on highway related matters including contributions, over the past eighteen months but had not had much success. As a result, they were not convinced that the figures presented were either reasonable nor evidence based and the suggested contribution figures seemed excessive.
The Applicant disagreed with parking shortfall stated but was happy to make contributions but needed the figures to be accurate and evidence based.
The Applicant was concerned about the time taken in relation to this application. It was hoped that the matter would be determined with delegated powers to officers to resolve the highways matters accordingly.
Officers asked Committee to be aware that this application was different to a separate application previously determined to the north of the same road. That application was for general warehousing and distribution whilst this particular application was for general industrial purposes that gave rise to differing peak time flows and parking requirements which has required further information. Also, when applications of this nature were considered, they were considering the use of the site itself in terms of parking requirements as any planning permission granted would run with the land, ... view the full minutes text for item P.20 |