Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non Registrable Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 29 June 2021, be received and approved as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 29 June 2021, be received and approved as a correct record.
Scrutiny Review: Veterans and Service Personnel Scrutiny Panel A Chairman Councillor Dave Shaw Decision: RESOLVED that a) the possibility of expanding the e-training modules regarding the Armed Forces Covenant, Housing and Homelessness for frontline staff, across all sections of the Council, be further explored;
b) the work undertaken by the Council’s Senior Community Engagement Officer in supporting the Ashfield Armed Forces community, be commended;
c) the potential to designate an Armed Forces representative in each section of the Council, be explored;
d) Cabinet supports and continues to commit to achieving the MoD Gold Employer Recognition Award through the Defence Employee Recognition Scheme;
e) a robust and purposeful Reservist Policy continues to be developed, to assist and support employees as required;
f) Cabinet commits to increasing awareness across the Council and embedding ongoing support for the local Armed Forces Community within the Council’s Corporate Plan;
g) an Armed Forces Welcome Pack designed to support the Armed Forces Community with the transition to civilian life in Ashfield, be developed. Minutes: Cabinet was presented with the final recommendations resulting from the Scrutiny Review of Veterans and Service Personnel carried out by Scrutiny Panel A.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to accept the final recommendations but acknowledged that the actions ensured the needs of the Armed Forces Community would be met by the Council as part of their ongoing commitment towards supporting Veterans and Service Personnel in their transition to civilian life within Ashfield.
RESOLVED that a) the possibility of expanding the e-training modules regarding the Armed Forces Covenant, Housing and Homelessness for frontline staff, across all sections of the Council, be further explored;
b) the work undertaken by the Council’s Senior Community Engagement Officer in supporting the Ashfield Armed Forces community, be commended;
c) the potential to designate an Armed Forces representative in each section of the Council, be explored;
d) Cabinet supports and continues to commit to achieving the MoD Gold Employer Recognition Award through the Defence Employee Recognition Scheme;
e) a robust and purposeful Reservist Policy continues to be developed, to assist and support employees as required;
f) Cabinet commits to increasing awareness across the Council and embedding ongoing support for the local Armed Forces Community within the Council’s Corporate Plan;
g) an Armed Forces Welcome Pack designed to support the Armed Forces Community with the transition to civilian life in Ashfield, be developed.
Reason: Veterans and Service Personnel was added to the Scrutiny Workplan 2020/21 at the July 2020 meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Scrutiny Panel A conducted a review of the topic concluding in February 2021, with a set of final recommendations formulated to be presented to Cabinet. |
Housing Strategy 2021-23 Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor Tom Hollis – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Council and Social Housing
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that a) the Housing Strategy 2021-23, as presented, be approved;
b) the achievements of the Housing Strategy 2018-20 be received and noted.
Minutes: Approval of the Housing Strategy for 2021-23 was sought from Cabinet with a request that the achievements of the Housing Strategy for 2018-20 were noted.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the Housing Strategy for 2021-23 as presented.
RESOLVED that a) the Housing Strategy 2021-23, as presented, be approved;
b) the achievements of the Housing Strategy 2018-20 be received and noted.
Reason: To endorse a strategy that sets out how Ashfield District Council will meet its objective of ensuring the population of Ashfield are living in, or can access, homes that are affordable, warm and within a safe community that promotes the health and wellbeing of residents.
Draft Outturn Report 2020/21 Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor David Martin – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Revenues and Benefits
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that a) the 2020/21 draft Revenue Outturn for the General Fund, the HRA Outturn and the Capital Programme Outturn, be received and noted;
b) approval be given to the proposed in-year movements to and from reserves, as shown at Appendix 2;
c) it be agreed that the 2021/22 revenue budgets be adjusted to reflect the movements from earmarked reserves to utilise the funding/grants in 2021/22 (Section 5);
d) the carry-forward of the £5.455m underspend on the Capital Programme to 2021/22 due to slippage (delays to schemes) included within the Programme (Section 4), be agreed and recommended to Council for approval. Minutes: Cabinet was asked to consider the report which set out the details of income and expenditure incurred in 2020/21 in respect of the General Fund, the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and the Capital Programme including how it compared to the revised budgets with explanations for any significant variances.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the reserve movements which would then require the costs to be funded from the General Fund balance which was not recommended.
RESOLVED that a) the 2020/21 draft Revenue Outturn for the General Fund, the HRA Outturn and the Capital Programme Outturn, be received and noted;
b) approval be given to the proposed in-year movements to and from reserves, as shown at Appendix 2;
c) it be agreed that the 2021/22 revenue budgets be adjusted to reflect the movements from earmarked reserves to utilise the funding/grants in 2021/22 (Section 5);
d) the carry-forward of the £5.455m underspend on the Capital Programme to 2021/22 due to slippage (delays to schemes) included within the Programme (Section 4), be agreed and recommended to Council for approval.
Reason: To report to those charged with governance, the Council’s financial Outturn for 2020/21 and to comply with the Council’s Financial Regulations. |
Addition to Capital Programme - S106 Funding Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor David Martin – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Revenues and Benefits
Decision: RESOLVED that the additions to the Capital Programme of a number of green space improvement projects, funded through Section 106 public open space contributions and as outlined in the report, be agreed and recommended to Council for approval. Minutes: Cabinet was requested to approve additional capital schemes to be added to the Council’s Capital Programme.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to add the new S106 schemes to the Capital Programme but this was not recommended as the Council would not then deliver the outcomes on green space improvements.
RESOLVED that the additions to the Capital Programme of a number of green space improvement projects, funded through Section 106 public open space contributions and as outlined in the report, be agreed and recommended to Council for approval.
Reason: There are a number of sites in the District which require additional investment in order to increase the quality of provision and continue to improve parks and green spaces with a rolling programme of investment.
Council's Insurance Arrangements 2020/21 Non-Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor David Martin – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Revenues and Benefits
Decision: RESOLVED that the contents of the 2020/21 Annual Insurance Report, as presented, be received and noted. Minutes: Cabinet was requested to receive the report regarding the latest position concerning insurance funds and premiums paid during 2020/21.
As the item was for information only, Members did not have any alternative options to consider.
RESOLVED that the contents of the 2020/21 Annual Insurance Report, as presented, be received and noted.
Reason: To meet the requirements of the Council’s Financial Regulations (C.37). |
Corporate Risk - Year End 2020/21 Position Non-Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor Daniel Williamson – Portfolio Holder for Customer Services, Corporate Change and Digital Transformation
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that the current significant items on the Risk Register and the actions being taken to mitigate those risks, be received and noted.
Minutes: Cabinet was requested to review the Corporate Risk Register, analyse the movement in risk and mitigating actions in respect of those risks and approve the updated Corporate Risk Strategy.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the Corporate Risk Strategy but this was not recommended following suggestions made by Internal Audit.
As the item was for information only, Members did not have any alternative options to consider.
RESOLVED that the current significant items on the Register and the actions being taken to mitigate those risks, be received and noted.
Reasons: On 23rd February 2021, Cabinet approved the updated Corporate Risk Strategy and new Risk Appetite Framework. Updates to the Corporate Risk Strategy were considered appropriate in order to facilitate greater understanding of risk maturity and improved organisational performance against the Alarm national performance model for risk management in public services, as suggested by Internal Audit. This was also highlighted as an improvement action in the Annual Governance Statement.
In accordance with the Corporate Risk Strategy, it is the role of Cabinet to monitor the Council’s risk management and internal control arrangements, as part of the established quarterly monitoring and to recommend action where necessary. |
The Big Ashfield Spring Clean 2021 Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor Samantha Deakin – Portfolio Holder for Parks, Town Centres and Neighbourhood Services
Decision: RESOLVED that a) the success of the BIG Ashfield Spring Clean in 2021, as presented, be noted and welcomed;
b) approval be given to the creation of a more sustainable BIG Spring Clean for 2022 and campaigns throughout the year to support residents in managing their waste. Minutes: Cabinet was informed of the full evaluation of the BIG Ashfield Spring Clean 2021, its success and the Council’s future plans to ensure that residents are supported in managing their waste correctly, helping to reduce fly tipping and littering in the District whilst also increasing recycling levels.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to run a BIG Ashfield Spring Clean campaign in 2022 and carry on with the current bulky collection service but this was not recommended. The campaign had previously achieved high levels of participation and was universally popular and the new approach would create a more sustainable operation for supporting residents in managing their waste.
RESOLVED that a) the success of the BIG Ashfield Spring Clean in 2021, as presented, be noted and welcomed;
b) approval be given to the creation of a more sustainable BIG Spring Clean for 2022 and campaigns throughout the year to support residents in managing their waste.
Reason: The Council delivered its first Big Ashfield Spring Clean in 2018 and due to the success of this campaign it has now become an annual event.
Following a detailed review of previous campaigns along with an evaluation of the Council’s wider environmental performance, a refreshed approach as set out in the report would ensure that Ashfield District Council continued to support its residents in managing their waste in a sustainable way throughout the year, whilst also supporting and empowering communities to maintain and feel pride in where they live. |
Non-Key Decision
Portfolio Holder Councillor Samantha Deakin – Portfolio Holder for Parks, Town Centres and Neighbourhood Services
Decision: RESOLVED that the funding of £10,391 awarded from the Infrastructure Solutions for Zero Emission Vehicles competition, be accepted. Minutes: Cabinet was requested to note the successful application to the Infrastructure Solutions for Zero Emission Vehicles competition, funded by the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) in partnership with Innovate UK, and accept the funding rewarded.
Members considered the alternative option of choosing not to go ahead with the bid and reject the offer of funding, however this was not recommended as the project posed little risk to the Authority, both financially and reputationally.
RESOLVED that the funding of £10,391 awarded from the Infrastructure Solutions for Zero Emission Vehicles competition, be accepted.
Reason: The project will support the Council’s objective within its Corporate Plan to reduce the carbon footprint from its own operations. As well as funding to help trial a vehicle it will also help provide the necessary infrastructure needed to allow the Council to electrify its fleet. |