Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/Other Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 24 February 2020 be received and approved as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 24 February 2020 be received and approved as a correct record. |
Public Health Update Minutes: The Council’s Corporate Leadership Team and Communications Officer gave an update in relation to the Council’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak as follows:-
Chief Executive Directors forming the Council’s Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) were recently reorganised to provide a lead on priority areas, as advised following meetings with the Local Resilience Forum (LRF):-
Chief Executive and Director of Legal and Governance – Strategic Priorities;
Director of Place and Communities – Economic Priorities;
Director of Resources and Business Transformation – Council Services Continuity;
Director of Housing and Assets – Humanitarian Priorities;
Corporate Finance Manager (and S151 Officer) – Financial Priorities.
The Directors would also be using key third and fourth tier officers, as required, to co-ordinate work as required. In relation to Council Services Continuity, the Director of Resources and Business Transformation was currently working closely with Human Resources (HR) to ensure employees were supported appropriately throughout the crisis and to co-ordinate any redeployment requirements to ensure services levels were maintained as necessary.
Director of Place and Communities The Economic Group had been set up the previous Friday and was currently ascertaining how local businesses could be supported both short and longer term, via the Government grants on offer. The Council’s leisure centres had closed the previous week following instructions from Central Government and a meeting was due to take place with the D2N2 Board on Tuesday who were taking a regional lead in relation to support to businesses.
Documentation had been received outlining the basket of grants on offer to assist businesses through the crisis and further information was awaited regarding the setup for business rate relief. Keeping key businesses open and trading was to be a priority and Members were asked to keep officers updated of any changing circumstances with local businesses within their areas.
Director of Housing and Assets The Humanitarian Group had already liaised with the County Council regarding the letters being sent out to the £1.5 million high-risk patients nationally and the shielding strategies being implemented. The County Council had agreed to share details of the high-risk patients within Nottinghamshire to enable the Council to contact those within the Ashfield District and offer support as required.
Most high-risk patients would already have agreed care packages in place but both voluntary organisations and the Council could simultaneously offer additional support by fielding enquiries and signposting accordingly. A team had already been earmarked to undertake these duties as and when required.
The County Council were taking the lead on Humanitarian priorities during the outbreak, in conjunction with the City and District Councils, and would be moving towards a single contact number and website for all enquiries going forward. Volunteers were already being requested and recruited to not only assist with managing these contact points, but to offer further support to local charities, groups and businesses as the need for assistance increased during the outbreak.
Letters would be posted out today to all residents within Council sheltered housing schemes to advise them of important contact numbers for emergency repairs ... view the full minutes text for item CA.60 |
Key Decision Portfolio Holder for Finance: Councillor Rachel Madden Decision: RESOLVED that a) the current forecast outturn on the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Programme 2019/20 and the reasons for major variances as set out in Section 1 and 5 of the report, be received and noted;
b) approval be given for the creation of two new reserves as set out in section 3 of the report;
c) Council be recommended to approve the use of up to £400k of the Corporate Transformation Reserve to facilitate expedient progression of the Digital Services Transformation Programme (Section 4);
d) subject to final outturn, the planned transfers to and from reserves as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, be duly noted and approved in principle.
Minutes: Cabinet received a summary of the current forecast outturn in relation to the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Programme 2019/20 and requested to consider associated movements in reserves.
Members did not consider any alternative options.
RESOLVED that a) the current forecast outturn on the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Programme 2019/20 and the reasons for major variances as set out in Section 1 and 5 of the report, be received and noted;
b) approval be given for the creation of two new reserves as set out in section 3 of the report;
c) Council be recommended to approve the use of up to £400k of the Corporate Transformation Reserve to facilitate expedient progression of the Digital Services Transformation Programme (Section 4);
d) subject to final outturn, the planned transfers to and from reserves as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, be duly noted and approved in principle.
Reason: In accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations to report to those charged with Governance the financial position.
(During consideration of this item, Councillor Helen-Ann Smith left the room at 10.35am and returned to the meeting at 10.36am.) |
Key Decision Portfolio Holder for Health and Leisure: Councillor Kier Barsby
Decision: RESOLVED that a) authorisation be given to lease the three leisure centres: Kirkby new leisure centre and Lammas and Hucknall leisure centres, as part of the arrangements for the new operator contract;
b) a small area of land within the Kirkby Leisure Centre site be appropriated from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund, as outlined in the report.
Minutes: Members were requested to consider the lease requirements for the three Council leisure centres and to appropriate a small area of land within the Kirkby Leisure Centre site to enable works to commence as per the agreed timetable.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the recommendations but this course of action was not commended particularly as the land needed to be within the General Fund to allow for construction of the new centre.
RESOLVED that a) authorisation be given to lease the three leisure centres: Kirkby new leisure centre and Lammas and Hucknall leisure centres, as part of the arrangements for the new operator contract;
b) a small area of land within the Kirkby Leisure Centre site be appropriated from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund, as outlined in the report.
Reasons: Leasing of the three leisure centres to the operator was a standard approach and formed part of the Sport England standard form of contract and the area of land required appropriation from the Housing Revenue Account as it was currently designated for potential use for housing. |
Social Value Policy and Initiatives Non Key Decision Portfolio Holder for Place, Planning and Regeneration: Councillor Matthew Relf
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that that Council’s Social Value Policy, as presented, be received and approved.
Minutes: Cabinet were asked to consider the implementation of a Social Value Policy into all activities that the Council undertakes with the aim of ensuring that for every pound that is spent, the Authority will generate at least the same value in social return.
Members considered the alternative option of choosing not to adopt the proposed Policy but acknowledged that by doing so it would lose the opportunity to highlight and measure the social value being generated by its activities within the District.
RESOLVED that that Council’s Social Value Policy, as presented, be received and approved.
Reason: The policy sets out the Council’s commitment to social value and the added benefits that could be gained from projects and public procurement, specifically for the social, economic and environmental benefit of local people living in the local area. By understanding value created by projects, the Council is able to direct efforts to meet the needs of the local community and thus achieve the aspirational vision that the Council has for the District. |