Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 28 October 2024, as now submitted, be received and approved subject to the addition of ‘Gail Turner’ to the list of officers in attendance at the meeting. |
Announcements from the Chairman, Leader, Members of the Cabinet and the Head of Paid Service Minutes: The Leader of the Council advised the Chamber that the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council, arranged for Monday, 17 February 2025, had been arranged to consider the following:
1. A progress report regardng the work of the Nottinghamshire-wide Project Group, set up as a result of the recently announced Local Government reorganisation. The report would be informing on the latest steps, funding arrangements, the creation of the evidence base and the Government’s timetable for completion;
2. A progress report in relation to further work being undertaken in relation to the emerging Local Plan.
Members were also advised that the Council meeting, scheduled for Monday 3 March 2025, would now be commencing at 7.30pm.
Executive Lead Member for Community Safety and Crime Reduction The Executive Lead Member for Community Safety and Crime Reduction gave an update to the Chamber regarding the latest Police guidance in respect of the use of E-Scooters and their introduction of a Medium Term Management Plan to tackle the rising incidences/accidents involving the misuse of such vehicles. |
Presentation of Awards Minutes: The Chairman took the opportunity to celebrate and commend Stewart Nubley, who recently won the East Midlands Sports Personality of the Year Unsung Hero award. Stewart was presented with a certificate of gratitute from the Council and then on request, he took the opportunity to speak to Members regarding his work within the boxing community. |
Questions from the Public (None received for this meeting) Minutes: No questions were received for consideration. |
Petitions (None received for this meeting) Minutes: No petitions were received for consideration. |
Pay Policy Statement 2025-2026 Additional documents:
Minutes: Council was requested to approve and adopt the Pay Policy Statement for 2025/26.
RESOLVED that the Council’s Pay Policy Statement for 2025/26, as presented, be received and approved. |
Political Groups, Political Balance and Appointment to Committees Minutes:
RESOLVED that the following be received and noted:
a) the change of Political Party submitted by Councillor Dawn Justice;
b) the constitution of the ‘Opposition Group’ political group formed by Councillor Justice and Councillor Rostance for the purpose of political balance;
c) the appointment of ‘Opposition Group’ Members to the Licensing Committee, Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee, Principal Select Committee and the Charities Committee;
d) Councillor Rostance being the Group Leader of the ‘Opposition Group’
e) Councillor Will Bostock being removed from the Audit Committee (due to ongoing illness) and Councillor David Walters being appointed as Chairman of the same Committee;
f) Councillor Dale Grounds being removed from Local Plan Development Committee and Councillor Trevor Locke being appointed as Vice Chairman of the same Committee;
g) Councillor David Walters being removed from the Place and Innovation Select Committee and Councillor Dale Grounds being appointed as Vice Chairman of the same Committee;
h) the Labour Group seat allocation on the Charities Committee be changed to an Opposition Group seat allocation with Councillor Dawn Justice being appointed to sit on the Committee;
i) the previous Conservative Group seat allocation on the Audit Committee be changed to a Labour Group seat allocation with Councillor Cathy Mason being appointed to sit on the Committee. |
Appointment to Outside Body
Minutes: Council was requested to re-appoint two representatives to an Outside Body.
RESOLVED that Councillors Ian Briggs and Lee Waters be re-appointed as the Council’s representatives on the Hucknall Relief in Need Charity for the term ending 30 November 2027. |
Recommendations from the Cabinet and the Council's Committees Additional documents: Minutes: Council was requested to consider and approve a recommendation from Cabinet.
Minute No. CA.27 Cabinet – 18 November 2024 Regeneration Programmes Update
RESOLVED that a) following receipt of funds, Section 106 monies be included on the Capital Programme;
b) following identification of suitable funding for The Wharf – Environmental Improvements project, it be included on the Capital Programme. |
Updates from Members of the Cabinet on their Portfolio Activity Minutes: The following Cabinet Members gave updates in relation to their portfolio activity:
Councillor Matthew Relf – Executive Lead Member for Growth, Regeneration and Local Planning
Councillor John Wilmott – Executive Lead Member for Community Safety and Crime Reduction
Councillor Jason Zadrozny – Leader of the Council
Councillor Helen-Ann Smith – Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Lead Member for Parks and Environmental Services. |
Notice of Motion Motion 1 To consider a notice of motion proposed by Councillor Sarah Madigan and seconded by Councillor Paul Grafton, as follows:-
“DEFIBRILLATORS IN POLICE CARS IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Ashfield District Council notes that defibrillators are life-saving devices that provide critical support in emergencies, significantly increasing the chances of survival during sudden cardiac arrest and note that Ashfield District Council has installed defibrillators in parks and green spaces across Ashfield to increase access to life saving equipment.
Defibrillators restore a normal heartbeat by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart. If a defibrillator is used within the first minute, the survival rate can be as high as 90%. If a defibrillator is used within the first 3 to 5 minutes, the likelihood of survival is around 74% showing that having a defibrillator close by really makes all the difference.
Ashfield District Council has worked with partners to install lifesaving defibrillators right across the District. All the defibrillators have an automated voice explaining exactly how to use it with ease. All Ashfield District Council’s Community safety vans are also equipped with life-saving defibrillators, thanks to a generous donation from the Lindum Group.
Ashfield District Council is committed to making our town centres, parks and open spaces safer for everyone and this includes improving access to defibrillators. Ashfield District Council is further committed to working with communities to identify ‘defibrillator’ black spots and believes that they should be as widely available as fire extinguishers.
This Council notes the campaign from Naomi Rees-Issitt, who lost her son Jamie Rees in January 2022, to ensure all police cars contain defibrillators. Currently, only one in eleven police cars across the UK have access to live-saving defibrillators.
Ashfield District Council resolves to:
1. Keep the register of defibrillators across the Ashfield District updated and publish it on their website along with proactive communications to raise awareness of the locations of defibrillators across the District. 2. Write to the Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Police and Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner calling for defibrillators to be available in every Police car. 3. Write to Naomi Rees-Issitt, formally backing her campaign.”
Minutes: The Council received a notice of motion moved by Councillor Sarah Madigan and seconded by Councillor Paul Grafton as follows:-
“DEFIBRILLATORS IN POLICE CARS IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Ashfield District Council notes that defibrillators are life-saving devices that provide critical support in emergencies, significantly increasing the chances of survival during sudden cardiac arrest and note that Ashfield District Council has installed defibrillators in parks and green spaces across Ashfield to increase access to life saving equipment.
Defibrillators restore a normal heartbeat by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart. If a defibrillator is used within the first minute, the survival rate can be as high as 90%. If a defibrillator is used within the first 3 to 5 minutes, the likelihood of survival is around 74% showing that having a defibrillator close by really makes all the difference.
Ashfield District Council has worked with partners to install lifesaving defibrillators right across the District. All the defibrillators have an automated voice explaining exactly how to use it with ease. All Ashfield District Council’s Community safety vans are also equipped with life-saving defibrillators, thanks to a generous donation from the Lindum Group.
Ashfield District Council is committed to making our town centres, parks and open spaces safer for everyone and this includes improving access to defibrillators. Ashfield District Council is further committed to working with communities to identify ‘defibrillator’ black spots and believes that they should be as widely available as fire extinguishers.
This Council notes the campaign from Naomi Rees-Issitt, who lost her son Jamie Rees in January 2022, to ensure all police cars contain defibrillators. Currently, only one in eleven police cars across the UK have access to live-saving defibrillators.
Ashfield District Council resolves to:
1. Keep the register of defibrillators across the Ashfield District updated and publish it on their website along with proactive communications to raise awareness of the locations of defibrillators across the District. 2. Write to the Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Police and Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner calling for defibrillators to be available in every Police car. 3. Write to Naomi Rees-Issitt, formally backing her campaign.”
Having been fully considered, the motion was put to the vote and it was
RESOLVED that this Council agrees to:
a) keep the register of defibrillators across the Ashfield District updated and publish it on their website along with proactive communications to raise awareness of the locations of defibrillators across the District;
b) write to the Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Police and Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner calling for defibrillators to be available in every Police car;
c) write to Naomi Rees-Issitt, formally backing her campaign.
Questions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13 (None received for this meeting) Minutes: No questions were received from Members. |
(None received for this meeting) Minutes: No questions were received from Members. |