Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield

Contact: Lynn Cain  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests


No declarations of interest were made.


(Councillors Rachel Madden, Sarah Madigan and David Martin entered the meeting at 7.08pm).


State of Ashfield Debate - Cost of Living Crisis

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 19.1, as Chairman of the Council, I have called an extraordinary meeting of the Council for the purposes of a State of Ashfield debate focussing on the Cost of Living Crisis.


The purpose of the meeting is to enable the Leader and his Cabinet to gather information on the issues and matters which are of concern to Members and which can be considered as part of the preparations for business planning and the proposals for the Council’s budget and policy framework for the forthcoming year.


No formal recommendations or decisions will be taken at the meeting. In accordance with Rule 19, the form of meeting has been agreed with the Leader of the Council and is set out in the Appendix to the Agenda.


In order to enable effective discussion to take place, a Member of the Council will move in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 30.1 the suspension of Rule 16 (Rules of Debate).


The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and advised that he had called the meeting, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 19 and following consultation with the Leader of the Council, to enable an annual State of Ashfield debate to take place.


The Chairman explained to Members that the main purpose of the meeting was to enable the Leader and his Cabinet colleagues to gather information on the issues and matters which were of concern to Members and which could be considered as part of the preparations for business planning and the proposals for the Council’s budget and policy framework.


In order to enable effective discussion to take place and to ensure a more flexible committee style of meeting, it was moved and seconded in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 30.1, the suspension of Council Procedure Rule 16 (Rules of Debate). Upon being put to the vote, the motion was duly carried.


The debate focussed on the Cost of Living Crisis and presentations were given by the following:


·         Theresa Hodgkinson, Chief Executive of the Council

·         Kathryn Stacey and Janis Abraham, Citizens' Advice Ashfield

·         Angie Peppard and Matt Pike, Our Centre

·         Trevor Clay and Yvonne Campbell, Under One Roof Community Resource Centre

·         Diane Carter, Katie Jordan and Paula Longden, Mid Nottinghamshire Place Based Partnership.


A State of the District debate then ensued with Members taking the opportunity to raise and discuss their ideas and observations via a question and answer session as agreed.


During the debate, it was moved and seconded in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 30.1 the suspension of Council Procedure Rule 23.1 (Conclusion of Proceedings) to enable the meeting to reach its full conclusion and to enable the Leader to summate appropriately. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was duly carried.


At the conclusion of the debate, the Leader of the Council thanked the

Council’s Members and guests for their contribution and hoped that they had found it informative and useful, particularly as Cabinet Members would now be able to assimilate the comments made and take them into account during the business planning process which was to commence shortly.


The Leader also took the opportunity to present to the Chamber, a Cost of Living 15 Point Plan which outlined the Council’s commitment towards helping residents navigate the cost of living crisis whilst simultaneously tackling rising inequality and rising poverty within the District.




that the Council formally approves the following 15 practical steps to assist the residents of Ashfield through the current cost of living crisis:-


1.    Utilise leisure centres as community living hubs for residents to access a warm energy room (including use of electricity charging and Wi-Fi for use of mobile phones/laptops. ).  Explore options for leisure centre showers to be used for free by our residents.


2.    Explore the use of energy rooms at Council buildings.


3.    Promote to residents local businesses and voluntary and community organisations which offer warm spaces to residents who cannot afford to heat their homes.


4.  ...  view the full minutes text for item C.56