Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Contact: Lynn Cain Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Personal Interests and/or Non-Registrable Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 7 July 2022, as now submitted, be received and approved.
(Following consideration of the minutes, all present at the meeting observed a minutes silence in honour of the passing of former Councillors Jim Blagden and Ken Creed and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.)
Announcements from the Chairman, Leader, Members of the Cabinet and the Head of Paid Service Minutes: Executive Lead Member for Licensing, Environmental Health and Regulatory Services
Councillor John Wilmott took the opportunity to pay tribute to former Councillor Jim Blagden and spoke about his unwavering commitment to the Council and the people of Hucknall.
Leader of the Council
Councillor Jason Zadrozny firstly commended the Council for the work it had undertaken following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and spoke about the list of duties, visits and events that had been undertaken. He sincerely hoped that the Council had played its part and provided a befitting tribute.
Secondly, a further tribute was given to former Councillor Jim Blagden and his outstanding contribution to the Council and the Ashfield District. Councillor Zadrozny spoke of Jim’s love for his family, his paintings, his work for St. John’s Ambulance service and the people of Hucknall. Former Councillor Jim Blagden had died after a very brave fight with leukaemia.
The following Councillors also paid tribute to former Councillors Blagden and Creed:
David Hennigan Chris Baron Sarah Madigan Lee Waters Trevor Locke David Martin.
Questions from the Public (None received for this meeting)
Minutes: No questions were received for consideration. |
Petitions ((None received for this meeting) Minutes: No petitions were received for consideration. |
Report on an Urgent Key Decision Minutes: In accordance with Rule 17.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules, the Leader informed Council of an executive decision that had been taken pursuant to Rule 16 (Special Urgency Provisions.)
The decision related to Carbon Saving Works to Council Assets with the project requiring formalisation to secure resources and commence as quickly as possible to meet the timescale for completion of March 2023.
The decision was key and contained exempt information and the full 28 days’ notice could not be given. The Rule 16 Notice and the non-exempt elements of the decision were duly published on the Council’s website. |
Devolution Deal for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Additional documents: Minutes: Council was updated on the progress of the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Devolution programme.
RESOLVED that the following be received and noted:
a) the progress to date on the devolution and joint working programme, including the announcement of a ‘level 3’ deal offer from Government on 30 August 2022;
b) the requirement for a formal public consultation process scheduled to take place over winter 2022;
c) the proposed formation of an East Midlands Mayoral Combined County Authority with a new elected mayor, with elections expected to take place in Spring 2024.
(During consideration of this item, Councillor Matthew Relf entered the meeting at 7.45pm and Councillor Dale Grounds left the meeting at 7.57pm.) |
Polling Places Review Minutes: Council was presented with proposals for revised polling places and consequential boundary changes following the conclusions of the Polling Places Review Working Group. The draft changes had already been subject to a consultation exercise following approval by Council on 7 July 2022.
Members were requested to note an error on pages 37 and 38 of the report and the following correction:
· Sutton Road, · (207-215) The Avenue to read…..
· Sutton Road (207-215) · The Avenue.
RESOLVED that a) the changes detailed in Table 1 of the report, as presented, be approved;
b) the consequential boundary changes in Table 1 of the report, be duly noted;
c) should a polling place be unavailable in the run up to an election, delegated authority be granted to the (Acting) Returning Officer to select an appropriate alternative with formal retrospective approval being sought by Council following the election, should this be a permanent proposed change;
d) it be noted that the approved changes will take effect on 30 September 2022. |
Changes to Committees, Panels and Outside Bodies Minutes: Council was requested to consider changes to Committee memberships and two outside bodies following the sad passing of former Councillor Jim Blagden and further vacancies arising on seats assigned to the non-aligned independents.
RESOLVED that a) the overall allocation of seats by group as detailed in Table A, be noted;
b) the allocation of seats on Committees detailed in Table B, be also noted;
c) the following appointments be made to vacancies on the undermentioned Committees:
d) it be noted that non-aligned vacancies remain on Scrutiny Panel B, Licensing Committee and Standards and Personnel Appeals Committee;
e) Councillor Dave Shaw be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Byron Charity – Hucknall for the term ending 31 May 2024;
f) Councillor Lee Waters be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Hucknall Relief in Need Charity for the term ending 31 November 2024.
Annual Scrutiny Report 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Kier Barsby, presented the Annual Scrutiny Report for 2022.
RESOLVED that the work undertaken by scrutiny as detailed within the Annual Scrutiny Report for 2022, as presented, be received and noted.
Recommendations from the Cabinet and the Council's Committees Additional documents:
Minutes: In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2(ix), Council considered the following recommendations:
It was noted by Council that the recommendation outlined in respect of the Leisure Transformation Programme report had been included in error and was in fact an additional recommendation that formed part of the Funding Update report to Cabinet on 27 September 2022.
Minute No. CA.16 Cabinet, 19 July 2022 Draft Financial Outturn 2021/22 for General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Programme
RESOLVED that the carry-forward of the £14.567m underspend on the Capital Programme to 2022/23 due to slippage (delays to schemes) included in the approved Programme (Section 5), be approved.
Minute No. L.3 Licensing Committee, 27 July 2022 Consideration of Variation to Hackney Carriage Tariffs
RESOLVED that having received no valid consultation responses during the agreed 14-day consultation process, the new set of Hackney Carriage Tariffs, as appended to the Licensing Committee report, be formally adopted.
Minute No. CA.25 Cabinet, 27 September 2022 Funding Update
RESOLVED that a) subject to Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) approval, the amendment of the Capital Programme values for the two Future High Streets Fund schemes as outlined in the Cabinet report, be approved;
b) subject to DLUHC’s approval of the Investment Plan, the UKSPF funding of £3.192m, noting the indicative revenue/capital split, be accepted and approval be given for the Corporate Finance Manager, with DLUHC approval, to vary the revenue/capital split for the purpose of updating the Capital Programme;
c) with regard to Safer Streets 4 Funding; to approve the addition of £81k to the Capital Programme and to allow for the Corporate Finance Manager and the Executive Lead Member for Community Safety and Crime Reduction to have the potential to increase the Safer Streets Capital Scheme funding. This is to enable funding to be switched from the revenue allocation to deliver further capital elements should the need arise. This would only be actioned following agreement with the funding provider for the use of the funding. This would reduce the amount added to the revenue budget in 2022/23;
d) on DLUHC approval of all future Towns Fund business cases, delegated authority be granted to the Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits and the Corporate Finance Manager to immediately add the schemes and their associated funding to the Capital Programme to avoid project delays, noting that full due diligence will be undertaken prior to progression through the various RIBA stages of each of the projects.
Minute No. CA.26 Cabinet, 27 September 2022 2022/23 Forecast Outturn for General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Programme as at July 2022
RESOLVED that the amendments and the addition of new schemes to the Capital Programme 2022/23 to 2026/27 and the funding of the Capital Programme as set out in Section 7 and Appendix 3 of the Cabinet report, be approved. |
Updates from Members of the Cabinet on their Portfolio Activity Minutes: No Cabinet Member updates were received.
(At this point in the proceedings and in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4 [Order of Business], the Chairman advised that he would be considering the third Notice of Motion, moved by Councillor Daniel Williamson and seconded by Councillor Helen-Ann Smith, first. Members concurred with this course of action.)
Notice of Motion 1 (formerly No. 3) Minutes: The Council received a notice of motion moved by Councillor Daniel Williamson and seconded by Councillor Helen-Ann Smith as follows:-
Motion 3 To consider a notice of motion proposed by Councillor Daniel Williamson and seconded by Councillor Helen-Ann Smith, as follows:- “The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care headed by Josh McCallister published in May 2022 a final report and recommendations that included: “Government should make care experience a protected characteristic” and “New legislation should be passed which broadens corporate parenting responsibilities across a wider set of public bodies and organisations.” On Protected Characteristics for Care Experience – (Care Review May 2022) “Many care experienced people face discrimination, stigma, and prejudice in their day to day lives. Public perceptions of care experience centre on the idea that children are irredeemably damaged and that can lead to discrimination and assumptions being made. One young person told the review that a teacher had told them “You’re smart - for a kid in care”, another young person said “I don’t want people to point out that I am in care if I don’t want that mentioned. It makes me so cross – that shouldn’t happen.” This stigma and discrimination can be explicit, and often comes with assumptions about the likely characteristics of children and adults that have care experience. They can also be implicit and are evidenced in the way care experience is discussed in schools, workplaces, and the media. At its worst this can lead to care experienced people being refused employment, failing to succeed in education or facing unfair judgements about their ability to parent when they have children and families of their own. Hearing testimony from care experienced people sharing the discrimination they have experienced, even from a very young age, it is clear that such discrimination can be similar in nature to other groups that have a legally protected characteristic under the Equality Act (2010). So, while there may be ways that society can help reduce stigma and discrimination, including creating greater public consciousness on these issues, just as with other areas of equality, there is a case to go further. Therefore, the government should make care experience a protected characteristic. Making care experience a protected characteristic would provide greater authority to employers, businesses, public services, and policy makers to put in place policies and programmes which promote better outcomes for care experienced people. It will make the UK the first country in the world to recognise care experienced people in this way. As a measure, it will bolster and pave the way for a number of the recommendations in this chapter.” Care Review May 2022 Ashfield District Council notes that
2. For the purposes of Section 2 (1) (a) of the Children and Social Work Act 2017. The services that may ... view the full minutes text for item C.40 |
Notice of Motion 2 Minutes: The Council received a notice of motion moved by Councillor Jason Zadrozny and seconded by Councillor Matthew Relf as follows:-
“Ashfield District Council welcomes the recommendation of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority that will lead to the “Conversion of Ashfield (Fire Station) from one day shift crewing and one On-call appliance to one wholetime and one On-call appliance.”
This Council notes the announcement by Councillor Jason Zadrozny, Chairman of the authority’s community safety committee on April 29th 2022 of a full-scale assessment of resources across Nottinghamshire’s fire station network, with the review also assessing whether each station has sufficient equipment to serve their communities.
This Council acknowledges the role of the Ashfield Independents who have been campaigning relentlessly since 2018 to ensure the people of Ashfield have a fully staffed, 24 hour Fire Station.
Ashfield District Council believes that this decision will save lives and therefore instructs the Leader and Chief Executive of Ashfield District Council to write to the Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority formally asking for this decision to be implemented as soon as practically possible.”
Having presented the motion, the mover Councillor Zadrozny (and again seconded by Councillor Relf), advised that he wished to amend his motion following a recent decision by the Fire Authority, as follows:
“Ashfield District Council welcomes the recommendation of
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue
Authority that
This Council notes the announcement by Councillor Jason Zadrozny, chairman of the authority’s community safety committee on April 29th 2022 of a full-scale assessment of resources across Nottinghamshire’s fire station network, with the review also assessing whether each station has sufficient equipment to serve their communities.
This Council acknowledges the Public Consultation “Fire Cover in Nottinghamshire” which is launched on Friday, 27th September and will formally take part - citing Ashfield District Council’s firm opinion that Ashfield Fire Station, based on Kirkby Road should be fully staffed, 24 hours a day. Ashfield District Council will also do everything within its power to encourage Ashfield residents to back the recommendations of the Fire Authority.
This Council acknowledges the role of the Ashfield Independents who have been campaigning relentlessly since 2018 to ensure the people of Ashfield have a fully staffed, 24 hour Fire Station.
Ashfield District Council believes that this decision will save lives and therefore instructs the Leaderand Chief Executive of Ashfield District Council to write to the Nottinghamshire and City ofNottingham Fire and Rescue Authority formally stating the case for a 24 hour station based in Kirkby and asking for this decision to be implemented as soonas practically possible.
Councillor Keir Morrison then requested a further amendment to remove paragraph 4 of the motion or add reference to the Labour Group into the narrative as follows:
“This Council acknowledges the role of the Ashfield Independents and the Labour Party who have ... view the full minutes text for item C.41 |
Notice of Motion 3 (formerly No. 1) Motion 1 To consider a notice of motion proposed by Councillor Rachel Madden and seconded by Councillor David Martin, as follows:-
“Ashfield District Council is committed to providing exciting events that bring our communities together. The Council’s “Summer of Fun” was hugely successful and brought together thousands of residents in a variety of Council organised and Council supported events.
This year, the Council and partners have organised popular Food and Drink Festivals in Hucknall as well as the 100th Anniversary of Titchfield Park. The recent Hucknall Film Festival was an enormous success.
The first ever Ashfield Day saw over 12,000 residents came together on Sutton Lawn to celebrate everything that is great about our District.
In the Selston Parish, popular events included the outdoor cinema and fun day and the “Party in the Park” to celebrate the late Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee hosted at Selston Country Park. Councillors were also involved in organising the popular Underwood Festival.
In Kirkby-in-Ashfield, the Council has organised several flag raising ceremonies to mark days of commemoration including Armed Forces Day, Merchant Navy Day and the 40th Anniversary of the end of the Falkland’s War.
Ashfield District Council will continue to support Remembrance Sunday events across the District, continue marking the Green Flag status at Brierley Forest Park, Kingsway Park, Portland Park, Selston Country Park, Sutton Lawn and Titchfield Park, Hucknall and organise Christmas Festivals in Hucknall, Kirkby-in-Ashfield and Sutton-in-Ashfield and support stakeholders in other events across the District.
Ashfield District Council is committed to playing a central role in the life of our communities. We therefore pledge to continue to organise events and look for more opportunities that bring our communities together and support others.”
Motion 2 To consider a notice of motion proposed by Councillor Jason Zadrozny and seconded by Councillor Matthew Relf, as follows:-
“Ashfield District Council welcomes the recommendation of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority that will lead to the “Conversion of Ashfield (Fire Station) from one day shift crewing and one On-call appliance to one wholetime and one On-call appliance.”
This Council notes the announcement by Councillor Jason Zadrozny, Chairman of the authority’s community safety committee on April 29th 2022 of a full-scale assessment of resources across Nottinghamshire’s fire station network, with the review also assessing whether each station has sufficient equipment to serve their communities.
This Council acknowledges the role of the Ashfield Independents who have been campaigning relentlessly since 2018 to ensure the people of Ashfield have a fully staffed, 24 hour Fire Station.
Ashfield District Council believes that this decision will save lives and therefore instructs the Leader and Chief Executive of Ashfield District Council to write to the Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority formally asking for this decision to be implemented as soon as practically possible.”
Motion 3 To consider a notice of motion proposed by Councillor Daniel Williamson and seconded by Councillor Helen-Ann Smith, as follows:- “The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care headed by Josh McCallister published ... view the full agenda text for item C.42 Minutes: Due to the lateness of hour and in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 23.1, the notice of motion, moved by Councillor Rachel Madden and seconded by Councillor David Martin, stands adjourned to be considered at the next available meeting of the Council. |