Issue - meetings

Meeting: 26/02/2024 - Local Plan Development Committee (Item 19)

19 Ashfield Local Plan 2023 to 2040 Duty to Cooperate and Statements of Common Ground: Update pdf icon PDF 128 KB


Committee received a summary of how the Council had met its legal obligations under the Duty to Cooperate in accordance with Section 33A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, to collaborate and produce the Statements of Common Ground as required. Members were advised on progress and status of each Statement.


The Council had a good reputation for working closely with other bodies and neighbouring authorities and these included:


·         Local Planning Authorities, either neighbouring or making up the Housing Market Area

·         Environment Agency

·         Historic England

·         Natural England                        

·         Civil Aviation Authority

·         Homes England

·         Clinical Commissioning Groups (now NHS Integrated Care Board)

·         Office of Rail and Road

·         National Highways

·         Nottinghamshire County Council and Derbyshire County Council as highways authorities

·         D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership. 



that the report be received and noted.